D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y 5 7 7 Earlier in the day, Einstein had visited the Jerusalem headquarters of the Zionist Executive. Ac- cording to Frederick H. Kisch, during his visit Einstein “made a little speech explaining the nature of his brain, which he said was such that he was afraid it would be unproductive work for him to attempt to learn Hebrew” (see Kisch 1938, p. 30). In the afternoon, he toured the Zionist Organization’s Mu- seum of Agriculture, accompanied by Ussishkin and Tsadok van Friesland, treasurer of the Zionist Executive. In the early evening, a tea party was held at Ussishkin’s home, which was attended by the Jewish dignitaries of Jerusalem, senior British officials, and the department heads of the Zionist Ex- ecutive, among them Norman Bentwich (1883–1971), attorney-general of the mandate Albert Hyam- son, an Anglo-Jewish historian and Judah L. Magnes (see Doar Hayom, 7 February 1923, Ha’aretz, 7 and 8 February 1923, New Palestine, 16 February 1923). [215]The National Jewish Library was located at “Beth Ne’eman” on Ethiopia Street. The press reported that Einstein was welcomed by David Yellin and Yeshayahu Press on behalf of the library’s board and by its director and staff. Einstein toured the reading room, and the readers stood up in honor of the guest. The library prepared an exhibit of Hebrew books on mathematics from the beginnings of the Hebrew press, and Einstein was impressed with the beauty of the printing. He requested infor- mation on the condition of the library and promised to influence his colleagues in Europe to help raise the necessary funds to transfer to Jerusalem the numerous books that had been collected for the library overseas (see Doar Hayom, 7 February 1923, and Ha’aretz, 8 February 1923). [216]This was Pessach Hebroni (Hevroni) (1888–1963), a teacher at the Hebrew Teachers’ Seminar in Jerusalem. [217]Possibly L.G.A. Cust. [218]Misdated by Einstein should read “6.” [219]The “Bezalel” Art Academy was founded in 1906 by Boris Schatz. Accompanied by Ginzberg, Einstein toured the academy and viewed its permanent exhibit. The academy’s deputy director, Ze’ev Raban, showed the guests his new works, and Schatz spoke about the institution’s history and pre- sented Elsa with an amulet. Einstein promised to send Schatz the portrait of him by Emil Orlik for the planned national museum (see Doar Hayom, 8 February 1923). [220]The official welcome by the Jewish community of Jerusalem was held at the Lämel School (under the joint auspices of the Zionist Executive and the Va’ad Leumi). The press reported that the entire student body from the Jewish schools in Jerusalem lined the street leading to the Lämel School, with each school displaying its flag. Upon Einstein’s arrival at the reception, he was greeted by a loud cheer and the crowd attempted to rush the gates. Einstein was accompanied by Ussishkin Yellin Haim Ariav, secretary-general of the Palestine Zionist Executive and Shmuel Czernowitz, secretary- general of the Va’ad Leumi. A brass band from the Tachkemoni School played Hebrew songs and a bouquet of flowers was presented to Elsa. The school’s auditorium was decorated for the occasion and approximately two hundred participants attended. Ussishkin and Yellin welcomed Einstein on behalf of their respective institutions, expressing their desire to see Einstein settle in Palestine. Yellin pre- sented Einstein with a scroll that was inscribed with the names of the heads of the various Jewish insti- tutions. He was also inscribed in the “Golden Book” of the Jewish National Fund (see Doar Hayom, 8 February 1923 Palestine Weekly and New Palestine, 9 February 1923 Ha’aretz, 11 February 1923 for the diploma, see Abs. 508). The reception was preceded by an official luncheon at Government House attended by the arche- ologist and architect Ernest T. Richmond, Head of the Political Department of the Secretariat, and his wife a Mrs. Solomon (possibly Flora Solomon, the wife of Harold Solomon, the controller of stores in the British Mandate) and Catholic monks: Gaudens Orfali, a Franciscan archeologist Antonin- Gilbert Sertillanges, a Dominican philosopher Fr. Henri Carrière, a Dominican geographer and linguist at the École Biblique in Jerusalem and Édouard-Paul Dhorme, a Dominican Professor of As- syriology at the École Biblique (see Palestine Weekly , 9 February 1923). For a photograph on the oc- casion of the luncheon, see Illustration 23. [221]Norman Bentwich. Kisch described the dinner as follows: “Dinner at Bentwich’s for the Ein- steins: a very pleasant party. After dinner some good music by a string quintet in which Einstein played second violin, showing considerable talent and evidently enjoying himself” (see Kisch 1938, p. 30). [222]Misdated by Einstein should read “7.”
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