8 0 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 French translation of Einstein 1917a and will be happy to take this on. Suggests to call it a new and augmented edition by making some small textual changes and by adding Einstein 1911h at the end. Hopes to thus placate Jeanne Rouvière. Also asks AE to write an introduction to Thirring 1923, which he has recently translated. It could take the form of a letter answering a question posed by him. Sent book on Chinese oceanography and religion. ALS. [21 173]. 276. To Board of Trustees of KWIP 12 June 1922 Submits for approval the following grants proposed by the board of directors: 20,000 M for Otto Stern, 1,500 M for Rudolf Seeliger, 4,000 M for Johann Königsber- ger, and 2,500 M for Walter Steubing. TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1658). [77 354]. 277. To Adolf von Harnack 12 June 1922 With reference to Abs. 198, asks for transfer of 300,000 M to Walter Grotrian for the establishment of a physical laboratory at the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 3, Mappe Grotrian). [78 063]. 278. To Max von Laue 12 June 1922 Invites to a meeting of the board of directors of KWIP on 15 June. To be discussed are the requests for funds by Hedwig Kohn for a quartz spectrograph and of Werner Kohl- hörster for his research on penetrating radiation. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Laue). [77 840]. 279. To PAW [12 June 1922] The documents to be reviewed are so superficial that they are not worth answering by a specialist. ALS (GyBAW, II, VIAbs. 3, Bd. 9, Bl. 8). Kirsten and Treder 1979a, No. 63. 280. Publication Contract with Slowo 13 June 1922 Guarantees 20% royalty for the Russian edition of Einstein 1920j and 1921c, published together. AE receives 20% of retail price. TDS. [41 1042]. 281. To Arnold Berliner 13 June 1922 Encloses manuscript on Emil Warburg for Die Naturwissenschaften (Einstein 1922l [Doc. 231]) and asks to be told freely if Berliner thinks any changes would be necessary. TLC. [7 016]. 282. To President of Istituto Lombardo 13 June 1922 Thanks for being elected foreign corresponding member of the Institute. TLS. [30 154]. 283. Rafaele Contu to IE 13 June 1922 The Italian translations of Einstein 1920j and 1921c are now ready, and will send them to IE. Or, because AE’s travel to Japan would delay publication, whether he may publish them without AE’s check. TLS. [42 319]. 284. IE to Rafaele Contu 14 June 1922 In reply of Abs. 206, AE is not against an Italian translation of Lorentz et al. 1922 how- ever, Contu may only publish AE’s part and not those of all three authors together. AE has no time to write a few words on Augusto Righi. TLC. [42 318]. 285. IE to Maurice Solovine 14 June 1922 Sends a few lines by AE that could be used as a preface to Thirring 1923 (Doc. 234). Jeanne Rouvière may have to receive royalties for the new edition of the translation of Einstein 1917a as per AE’s earlier arrangements with her. Suggests that Gauthier-Villars check their contract with her. Einstein 1911h cannot be incorporated into this new edi- tion (see Abs. 275), because the elementary consideration given there, which does not