C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 7 8 9 in 1891, the club was a society of leading Anglo-Jewish intellectuals, artists, and profes- sionals (see Cohen 1982, p. 26, and Hein 1987, pp. 2 and 10). 56. IE to Springer 30 January 1922 In response to Abs. 5, forwards Rafaele Contu’s letter. TLC. [41 1070]. 57. To Max Trautz 30 January 1922 The KWIP board of directors proposed to the board of trustees to grant him 3,000 M for the measurement of specific heat. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Trautz). [77 648]. 58. To Vieweg 30 January 1922 Includes signed copies of contract and the inquiry on Spanish edition of Einstein 1917a. Asks for share of second Italian edition, 7705.70 M, to be sent as a check. Will send proofs of Einstein 1922c and four images in a few days. TLC. [67 896]. 59. To Ernst Wagner 30 January 1922 The KWIP board of directors proposed to the board of trustees to grant him 2,500 M for the purchase of a Coolidge X-ray tube. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Wagner). [77 663]. 60. To Albert Wigand 30 January 1922 The KWIP board of directors proposed to the board of trustees to grant him 2,000 M to support the operating costs of his aeronautic research. TLSC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Wigand). [77 675]. 61. From Hans Posse 30 January 1922 The city of Venice has invited German artists to participate in the 13th International Ex- hibition, among them Liebermann, Slevogt, Corinth, Kokoschka, and Nolde. AE is asked to participate in the honorary committee of the German Pavilion exhibition, since it will help Germany in reaching out for reconciliation. TLS. [43 572]. 62. To PAW [February 1922] With others, proposes Jacobus Kapteyn, Pieter Zeeman, and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes as corresponding members of the PAW. Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 40, Nos. 102, 104, and 106. 63. To A. Borsig Co [February 1922] With Walther Nernst, arranges a contract with Borsig on testing their new cooling-heat- ing process (see Vol. 12, Doc. 16a in the present volume), its patenting, production, and sale. For sharing the invention with Borsig, they ask 250,000 M and a percentage for sold facilities. Care is taken for solving legal problems. TDC. [18 447]. 64. From Methuen 1 February 1922 Asks to publish AE’s sensational new theory of light propagation in English as a book. Einstein 1920j and 1921c have been translated into English by George Jeffery and W. Perrett. TLSC. [67 981]. 65. To Conrad W. Lakowitz 1 February 1922 Expresses his willingness to deliver a lecture on theory of relativity or on any other topic. Thanks [Bernard] Rosenbaum, for his hospitality but is unsure whether he will accept it. Agrees to receive 7,000 M if the amount offered in Abs. 54 would impose a burden on the Naturforschende Gesellschaft. ALS (PBm, Special Collections, Seymour Adelman Collection, Box 9). [89 867].