3 3 6 I N D E X Aubel, Edmond van (1864–1941), 65 Auer Company: 8 AE shareholder of, 127, 285 Austria: economic situation, 157, 227 difficul- ties of obtaining scholarly literature, 299 so- cial politics, 266 union with Bavaria, 51 Austrian Academy of Sciences, 40 Bach, J. S.: Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, 204 St. Matthew Passion, 306, 312 Bachem, Albert (1888–1957), 20, 47, 196–197, 200–201, 206, 213–215, 235, 245, 282, 290, 295–297 Bahn, Otto, 298 Balfour Declaration, 152 Bär, Richard (1892–1940), 85, 113 Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935): 195, 201 and Clarté movement, 195 signatory of Un Ap- pel: Fière Declaration d’Intellectuels, 58 Barth publishing house. See Publishers Basel conference on Hebrew University. See He- brew University Bavaria: Soviet Republic, 16 union with Aus- tria, 51 Beck, Emil (1881–1965), 10, 33 Becker, August (1879–1953), 41 Becker, Carl H. (1876–1933): 121–122, 129, 293 and Geodetic Institute, 114 and physics professorship at University of Bonn, 114 Belgian intellectuals, help private commission to investigate German war crimes, 67 Benndorf, Hans (1879–1953), 244 Berger, Julius (1863–1948), 113 Bergmann, Else Fanta (1886–1969), 126, 133, 144 Bergmann, Hugo (1883–1975): 132, 143, 212 invites Courant, Ehrenfest, Epstein, Landau to Basel conference on Hebrew University, 143 on AE’s time in Prague, 125 on require- ments for Hebrew University, 125–126, 143 Berlin: child mortality rates, 308 economic dep- rivation, 308 postwar hardship, 72, 77, 151, 300 Berliner Tageblatt, abandonment of pacifism during the war, AE on, 15, 185 Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 17–18, 88, 152, 155–156, 235, 291 Bernoulli, August-Leonhard (1879–1939): 183, 191, 200 AE on, 300 Besso, Michele (1873–1955): 178, 205, 299, 301, 309, 329 Buddhist character of, 198 in- tends to join a monastery, 92, 97 intends to return to Swiss Patent Office, 112, 178, 198 visit to Zurich in fall 1919, 112 Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 179, 206 Bible, 80 Bibliothèque Nationale, 171 Bie, Oskar (1864–1928), 239 Bieberbach, Ludwig (1886–1982), 79 Biological selection, 314. See also Kammerer, Paul Bjerrum bands, 282 Blanck, Anton (1881–?), 172 Blasius, Heinrich (1883–1970), 69 Blau (Osramwerke), 285–286 Bloch, Werner (1890–1973), 65, 322 Blockade. See Russia Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), meets with AE, 113 Blumenthal, Otto (1876–1944), 192, 276. See also Mathematische Annalen Bohr, Niels (1885–1962): 9, 62, 95, 129, 136, 211 atom model, 11, 41, 142, 283 enthusiam for AE, 211 visit to Leyden, 81 Bolshevism: AE on, 236 fears in Switzerland, AE on 185 AE expects, 15 success of, AE on, 236 Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906), 27, 291 Borel, Emile (1871–1956), and Revue du Mois, 241 Borgius, Walther (1870–1932), on problem of obtaining scholarly literature in Germany, 318 Born, Hedwig (1882–1972): 3, 79, 121–122, 137, 145, 235, 238, 284, 319 on reading Wil- helm Busch, 122 on Strindberg’s Blaubuch, 121 on Tree of Knowledge, 80, 117, 137 AE on style of, 169 Born, Max (1882–1970): 3 79, 100, 119, 137, 145, 170, 190, 196, 235, 283, 286, 319 as ad- visor for Mathematische Annalen, 192 call to Göttingen, 265, 319 chair funded by Moritz N. Oppenheim, 79 lectures on general theory of relativity, 153, 236 letter to C. H. Becker, 114, 117, 121, 237 newspaper article on rel- ativity, 153, 169 on Becker’s educational philosophy, 114 on materialism, 80 on Schlick’s Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre, 120 position for Rausch von Traubenberg, 176
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