6 6 0 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): POLITICS (cont.)
barbarism of right-wing groups, 487;
becoming Anglo-American colony,
281; ceding territory to France,
against, 36; expects moderate treat-
ment by Allies, 36; government, being
inconsistent, 513, weakness of, 487;
collapse of economy, 260; on extrem-
ism in, 513; on failure and need as
teachers of, 120; growing republican
spirit of intellectuals in, 326; opti-
mism, for future of, xlii, 5, 28, 85, 92,
139, 147, 154, 306, 352, faltering, 264;
political violence in, 498; social envi-
ronment in, 329; Southern and North-
ern, comparison of moral values in,
139; for stabilization of political situa-
tion in, recommends Warburg, Max, as
trustworthy, 11, Schlubach and Schiff,
not suited, 11
Haenisch, admiration for handling of
Nicolai case, 474–475
Hate, fighting by revealing truth, 42
Heine, Wolfgang, 326
Hochschule für Proletarier, 299
Independence, of countries, sacrificed to
end anarchy, 143
Intellectuals, on past and present, 264
International relations, for freedom of in-
dividuals in, 578c
Kapp Putsch, fortunate that it ended soon,
Kautsky, on remarkable article by, 59
League of Nations, 117, 142, 143, 281
Leviné, requests just trial of, 70–71
Lille booklet, on first version of, 162, 231,
signs preface, 577c
Lorentz, asks to join private commission
to investigate German war crimes, 42
Ludendorff, 85
Manifesto “An die Kulturwelt,” on miti-
gating circumstances of, 163
Mecklenburg, on political climate in, 280
Moos, on trustworthiness of, 12
Moral behavior, of individuals and
groups, 121
Muehlon, Wilhelm, 12
Nationalism, against using his work to in-
fluence, 497
Nicolai, signs declaration in support of,
xliv, 598c
Pacifist, on being, 497
Prisoners, for release of political, 343
Proletarians, on teaching knowledge not
class struggle for, 299
Prussian mentality, on increase in, 163
Radek, on brochure by, 387
Reconciliation, European, 314n, 134–
135, 497
Russia, on obtaining books for, 578c
Scholarly literature, on exchange of Ger-
man and foreign, 533
Socialism, on preparation of masses for,
“Un Appel: Fière Déclaration d’Intellec-
tuels,” promises to sign, 564c
Versailles Treaty: 80, 85, 93, 387; as cre-
ating a world prison, 93
War crimes: asks Lorentz to join private
commission on, 42; joins private com-
mission to investigate German, xliii,
121, 561c; French atrocities against
German prisoners of war, 483
War-guilt resolution, requested to sign,
571c. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: RE-
Warburg, Max M., on trustworthiness of,
Weimar Republic, support for, xlii–xlv
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 511
Workers, on their feelings of exploitation,
RELATIVITY: English edi-
tion: 257, 26, additions, 523, resume for,
523–524, 613c, royalties, 346n, 346–347,
374, 412, 594c, 597c; French edition:
603c, 604c, 606c, 614c, 616c, proposed,
531, 536, 537n, 609c; Polish edition, pro-
posed, 597c; Spanish edition, proposed,
528; Swedish edition: royalties, 597c,
translated, 599c
Born and Stern’s paper, presents, 582c;
Debye, nominates as corresponding mem-
ber of, 410, 596c; Fischer, Emil, nominat-
ed member of commission on succession
of, 488n, 583c, 603c; Knapp, evaluates
manuscript by, 585c; Knudsen, nominates