C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0 5 9 9
February 4 1-page TLC to Vieweg publishing house. Approves a new
printing (6th edition) of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42). Is
happy with Robert W. Lawson’s splendid terms (see entry of
25 January). Proposes to grant sales rights also for the U.S.
because a competent translator has been found in Lawson.
Provenance: IsJHU. [42 021].
1-page TLC to Robert W. Lawson. The terms listed in entry
of 25 January for an English edition of Einstein 1917a
(Vol. 7, Doc. 42) by Methuen publishing house are splendid.
Gives his consent to grant the right of sale in the U.S. under
the same conditions. Is prepared to write up addenda on the
redshift experiments and on the results of British eclipse
expeditions. Upon invitation of Arthur S. Eddington (see
Doc. 271), he may visit England in spring and meet Lawson
in person, depending on permission from the “authorities.”
Provenance: IsJHU. [67 994].
Starts a series of ten one-hour lectures in the framework of
the Greater Berlin Adult Education Program (Volkshoch-
schule Groß-Berlin) on kinematics and equilibrium of bod-
ies (“… zehnstündige Vortragsreihe über die Grundlehren
der Bewegungen und des Gleichgewichts der Körper … Er
wird in diesen Vorträgen auch von seiner Relativitätstheorie
sprechen.”) Provenance: Vossische Zeitung, 3 February
1920, EE; see also Doc. 242.
February 5 Probably gives first Thursday evening lecture on relativity
of the winter semester 1919/20 at the University of Berlin
(see Doc. 311, note 2).
2-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. Thanks for con-
sent to the 6th edition of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42);
see entry of 4 February. It will be printed in 4,500 copies.
The 5th edition was sold out in a surprisingly short time.
They do not know of any splendid terms that Robert W.
Lawson offered. The Swedish translator cannot find a pub-
lisher who would accept the royalty set in entry of 31 Janu-
ary. Provenance: IsJHU. [42 023].
February 8 3-page ALS from Karl Linz, a Jehovah’s Witness in
Leipzig. Looks at the achievements of science, among them
Einstein’s, as a confirmation of his belief that we live in the
last days before the establishment of the Messiah’s