I N D E X 6 5 9
death, 584c; visits with, 261; would
stay in Berlin for, 329
Popper-Lynkeus: modesty of, 420; con-
tributes to fund for, 420
Potsdam, plan to move to, 147
Prussian Public Library, donating his cor-
respondence to, 331
Religious affiliation, 83, 448, 468, 495
Religious organizations, as still neces-
sary, 358
Rent contract: problem with, 607c; ex-
tended, 608c
Research, no progress in his, 147, 268,
272, 293, 457, 498, 513, 581c
Sailing, in Berlin, 143, 147
Schleusner, Thea, portrait by, 342
Schlick, Moritz, requests higher royalties
for, 390–391
Seelig, Carl, looks forward meeting, 331
Silhouettes, of family, sends to Paul Op-
penheim, 359
Smekal, Jan, gifted, 368
Sommerfeld, Arnold, uncomfortable with
personality of, 388
Sons: on experiencing psychic shame to-
ward father, 512; on technical inclina-
tions of Hans Albert, 270; misses, 326;
on their emotional and physical well-
being, 512; vacationing with, 90, 129,
132, 452, 486–487, 495
Students, Berlin University, on his, 437
Teweles, Heinrich, pleasure with article
by, 323
Tree of Knowledge, 143, 200, 230
Weyl, Hermann, financial situation of, 80
Visa, Dutch, problems with, 154, 172,
195, 497, 579, 615
Women, a desire to own as opposed to
mere contemplation in, 94
PHILOSOPHY: on causal and teleological per-
ception of phenomena, 143; on cognition,
143; Drill, critique of article by, 280, 282;
Enriques, on his theory of science, 517; on
fictions in Als-Ob philosophy, 51–52; on
Kant’s conception of time, 155; on meth-
odology of scientific research, xli; on
nihilism, 143; on Nützlichkeitsprinzip,
143; on Petzoldt’s paper, 14–15; on Rei-
chenbach, 510; on relativity and monism,
509; on Schlick’s book, 51; on Sellien’s
dissertation, 155–156, 204; on Study, 51;
on Stumpf’s paper, 261; not well versed
in, 51
Academics, German, deploring attitude
of, 449
Allies: as guarantors against restoration of
old regime, 513; on behavior of, 281
American influence on Europe, positive,
Aufruf an die freie Jugend aller Stände
und Völker, signs, 552c
Aufruf des deutschen Geistes zum Sozia-
lismus, 59
Aufruf “Für die Unabhängigkeit des
Geistes,” signs, 102, 105, 110, 134,
Bahn, Otto, praises, 484
Berliner Tageblatt, on hypocrisy of, 28
Blockade: of Germany, intellectual, tea-
ches humility, xliii, 121, 163; of Rus-
sia, protests against, 202
Bolsheviks, 387
Bolshevism: fear of, in Switzerland, as a
psychosis, 306; in Germany, expects,
Born, Max: affinity with political views
of, 142; agrees with letter to Becker on
academic matters, 200
Bund “Neues Vaterland,” signs appeal of,
Chinese, as more civilized than Europe-
ans, 16
Citizenship, Swiss, 266–267, 357
Clarté movement, 314, 321, 328, 331,
375, 450
Delbrück, asks to sign declaration in sup-
port of Nicolai, 384
England: friendliness of colleagues in,
295; on moderateness of, 139
Erklärung in Sachen Liebknecht-Luxem-
burg, signs, 17n, 551c
France, role in post-war politics, 387, 513
Freundes-Rat des Internationalen Ju-
gendbundes, member of, 552c
Gerlach, asks to formulate petition for re-
lease of political prisoners, 343
Germany: army, threat posed by, 513; on