5 7 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
October 2 1-page AKS from Georg Wendt in Aachen. Leaves
Aachen institute and requests that KWIP reallocate the
grant received to his successor’s research. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Wendt. [77 668].
October 3 1-page TLS from Teubner publishing house. Accepts the
100 M remuneration request for his papers, to be published
in the new edition of Lorentz et al. 1913. Provenance:
IsJHU. [41 1085].
Participates in the first session of the conference of Kartell
der deutschen Akademien, advocates freedom for individu-
als to act as they wish in international relations, and
expresses himself against restrictions imposed through gen-
eral resolutions. “Herr Einstein ist für die freie Betätigung
des Einzelnen in den internationalen Beziehungen. Keine
Beschränkung durch allgemeine Beschlüsse.” Provenance:
GyBAW, II-XII, Bd. 4, Bl. 169–170d. [83 930], [83 931].
October 4 Holds discussion with leading Zionists on Hebrew Univer-
sity. Draws their attention to Paul Epstein and perhaps also
to Paul Ehrenfest as prospective professors (Docs. 122 and
October 7 Announcement of a 24-hour course on special topics in the-
oretical physics at the University of Zurich is published.
Provenance: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen an der Universität
Zürich im Wintersemester 1919–20. Anfang am 7. Oktober
1919, Schluß am 6. März 1920. Zürich: Aschmann & Schel-
ler, 1919. [80 125].
October 8 Moszkowski 1919 in published, in which a full confirmation
of Einstein’s prediction on bending of light is claimed.
October 9 Signs his newspaper notice “A Test of the General Theory
of Relativity” (Vol. 7, Doc. 23), reporting on Lorentz’s
gram; see entry of 22 September.
October 10 Has breakfast at Harry Count Kessler’s club with Georg
Nicolai and others to discuss a plan for distributing several
million volumes in Russia (“Volksbüchereiprojekt”).
nance: Kessler 1961, p. 202.
1-page TDS from Adolf von Harnack in Berlin. Invites Ein-
stein to a meeting and a “beer party” of KWG on 28 Octo-
ber. Asks for names of KWIP staff in order to invite them as
1-page TLS from Teubner publishing house. Barth publish-the
ing house gave permission to reprint Einstein 1911h in the
new edition of Das Relativitätsprinzip (Lorentz et al. 1913).
For the other four papers, to be published in place of older
ones, offers the same remuneration as for the first edition:
50 M in cash or 75 M in form of books published by
Teubner, per printed sheets of 16 pages, for a print run of
1,000 copies. Provenance: IsJHU. [41 1083].
September 28 1-page TLC to Teubner publishing house. Referring to the
inflation, accepts the terms for the reprinting of four articles
only for a remuneration of 100 M instead of the 50 M
offered in entry of 23 September. Provenance: IsJHU.
[41 1084].
October 2 1-page AKS from Georg Wendt in Aachen. Leaves the
Aachen institute and requests that KWIP reallocate the
grant received to his successor’s research. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Wendt. [77 668].
October 3 1-page TLS from Teubner publishing house. Accepts the
100 M remuneration request for his papers, to be published
in the new edition of Lorentz et al. 1913. Provenance:
IsJHU. [41 1085].
Participates in the first session of the conference of Kartell
der deutschen Akademien, advocates freedom for individu-
als to act as they wish in international relations, and
expresses himself against restrictions imposed through gen-
eral resolutions. “Herr Einstein ist für die freie Betätigung
des Einzelnen in den internationalen Beziehungen. Keine
Beschränkung durch allgemeine Beschlüsse.” Provenance:
GyBAW, II-XII, Bd. 4, Bl. 169–170d. [83 930], [83 931].
October 4 Holds discussion with leading Zionists on Hebrew Univer-tele-
sity. Draws their attention to Paul Epstein and perhaps also
to Paul Ehrenfest as prospective professors (Docs. 122 and
October 7 Announcement of a 24-hour course on special topics
oretical physics at the University of Zurich is published.
Provenance: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen an der Universität
Zürich im Wintersemester 1919–20. Anfang am 7. Oktober
1919, Schluß am 6. März 1920. Zürich: Aschmann & Schel-
ler, 1919. [80 125].