I N D E X 6 6 1
as corresponding member of, 554c; lec-
tures on visualization, general relativity,
cosmological problem, 64, 566c; Möller,
evaluates manuscript by, 579c, 596c;
Müller, evaluates manuscript by, 573c;
privileges, as member of, 375n; proposes
financial help to Physikalische Berichte,
580c; proposes assistance for Köhler’s
printing costs, rejected, 598c; Reining-
haus, evaluates manuscript by, 583c,
586c; Sommerfeld, nominates as corre-
sponding member, 410, 596c
RECOGNITIONS: Danish Academy: corre-
sponding member, elected, 611c, 612c,
nominated, 598c; Dutch Academy: corre-
sponding member, 613c; meeting on
eclipse results, 580c; Gold Medal affair,
408, 588c, 605c, see also Gold Medal of
Royal Astronomical Society; University
of Rostock, honorary doctorate from, 225,
572c, 584c, 586c, 591c; Nobel prize, on
chance of winning, 9–10, 306, proposed
by Arrhenius, 552c, Julius, 597c, Kamer-
lingh Onnes, 597c, Lorentz, 597c, Orn-
stein, 596c, Warburg, 550c, Zeeman, 597c
Born, 440; Ehrenhaft, 367, 413, 441, 491;
Epstein, 405; Marx, 360–361; Edgar
Meyer, 377; Ratnowsky, 405; Scherrer,
405; Schweidler, 413; successor of
Paschen, 357; Tank, 405
Acta Mathematica, for article, 308
Annalen der Physik, to solicit papers for,
Burghold, for support of exchange of Ger-
man and foreign scholarly literature,
Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jü-
dischen Glaubens, to fight against anti-
Semitism, 490, declines, 494
Debye, for recommendation for Born,
Karman, Lenz, Madelung, Mie,
Schrödinger, 463
Forum, for article, 285, accepts, 300
Johnsen, for recommendation for Becker,
Gans, Harms, Koch, Madelung, Val-
entiner, Weber, Zahn, 74
Kantstudien, for article, 44, declines, 51
Lánczos, for postgraduate position, 265–
Nature, for article, 252, 256, in prepara-
tion, 299, 328, 346, 374, 406, 523
Neue Freie Presse, for article, 273, de-
clines, 607c
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, for article, 608c
Schlick, for commenting on his book on
relativity, 313
Schwäbischer Bund, for article, declines,
Seelig, for contribution to Die zwölf Bü-
cher, 322, declines, 331
Stöcker, for signing April 1919 appeal, 33
Studentenvereinigung für künstlerische
Kultur an der Universität Berlin, for
support, 178–179, declines, 184
Umschau, for article, declines, 586c
Wolfer, for recommendation for Briner,
Physikalische Berichte, to review a manu-
script, 571c
Celestial bodies, on emission of radiation
by, 553c
Diatomic molecules, rigidity of, 459
Geometry, and axiomatics in, 72n
Hofsäss, review of manuscript by, 570c
Ion mobility, 460
Magnetoelectric induction, on symmetry
of, 562c
Nernst, on technical collaboration with,
Papers, high demand for his, 590c, 596c
Photochemistry, 171, 223
Probability: on equipartition theorem,
276, 290; on ergodic hypothesis, 276;
on Mises’s manuscript, 318
Quantum theory: xlviii–l; causality, and
light absorption and emission, 388;
dissatisfied with, 84–85, 99; Kossel
and Sommerfeld’s paper, presents to
DPG, 20, 64; on Bjerrum bands, 457;
on Bohr’s atom model, 459; on De-
bye’s paper on molecular forces, 513;
on dissociation equilibria, 498; on
Lorentz’s textbooks, 228, 233, 267; on
moment of inertia of hydrogen mole-
cule, 439n; reads Bohr, 228; rotational
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