6 0 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0
2-page ALS from Lotte Weigert in Copenhagen. Expresses
her condolences on Pauline Einstein’s death. Found Ein-
stein’s portrait on the title page of a Danish weekly. Hopes
to bring an original copy when she visits Berlin in spring.
Asks whether Einstein received her letter with the transla-
tion (Doc. 253). Provenance: IsJHU. [45 223].
Erwin Freundlich visits with Minister of Education Konrad
Haenisch and passes on Einstein’s inquiry as to how matters
stand. Provenance: the minister’s response of 4 March.
March 4 1-page ADft, on behalf of Minister of Education, probably
in hand of Carl H. Becker. The early construction of the
tower spectrometer observatory and the procurement of
construction materials without delay is of urgent interest to
the state. Provenance: GyBSa, I. HA, Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 1,
Tit. 11, Teil 11, Nr. 6, Bd. 1, Bl. 1–2. [83 287]. Kirsten and
Treder 1979a, p. 178, Nr. 99.
March 5 2-page TLS from Josef Kaiser, member of the KWG, to
KWG regarding plan to support research on producing elec-
trical power directly from heat, possibly in one of the
institutes of the KWG. A note is appended on the right mar-
gin of the first page in President Adolf von Harnack’s hand:
“Streng vertraulich zu behandeln. Hrn. Einstein u. Nernst zu
einer vertraulichen Mitteilung an mich vorzulegen. v. Hck.”
Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 173 (Sekrete
Sachen). [77 144].
1-page TLS from Paul Oppenheim to Elsa Einstein, encour-
aging Einstein to deliver a lecture to the literary club of
Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie und Wissen-
schaft (see entry of 14 April). Oppenheim assures that all
travel expenses will be covered, as well as an honorarium of
1,500–2,000 M. Provenance: IsJHU. [44 629].
March 8 1-page TLC to Jeanne Rouvière. Gives preliminary consent
to her proposed French translation of Einstein 1917a
(Vol. 6, Doc. 42). Sends best wishes to Emile Borel. Pro-
poses 30 cents royalty for the translator, 30 cents for him-
self, and 20 cents for the publisher. Provenance: IsJHU.
[44 821].