5 6 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
Reichsanstalt he gives a detailed answer. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10, Mappe Seemann. [77 622].
May 2–9 2-page TDS to KWIP board of trustees. Answers Wilhelm
von Siemens’s questions about the budget of KWIP for
1919 (entry of 2 May). Research requests are estimated at
54,000 M and those for instruments at 5,000 M. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., 1A, 1665, Bl. 21–22. [77 949].
May 5 1-page ALS from Leonhard Grebe in Bonn. Thanks for the
financial support. Envisages to get acquainted with
Freundlich’s microphotometer during Pentecost recess in
Berlin in order to make a better plan for their own setup and
to perform a few measurements. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 3, Mappe Grebe. [78 051].
1-page TLS from Walter Kaufmann in Königsberg. Thanks
for the financial support and asks for permission to use the
money for construction of special transmitter tubes working
in the range of very short wavelengths. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13. [77 690].
before May 6 Gives his promise to Georg Nicolai to sign the international
appeal “Un Appel: Fière Déclaration d’Intellectuels,” drawn
up by Romain Rolland, calling for reconciliation among
intellectuals of all countries, if prominent French and Brit-
ish personalities will also join it (see Georg Nicolai to David
Hilbert, 6 May 1919, GyMIZ, [82 516]). For publication of
the French original, see entry of June 26; for French and
German versions, see Nicolai 1920. See also Kirsten and
Treder 1979b, p. 180, Nr. 742; and Rolland 1974, p. 908.
May 6 1-page TL to Georg Krakow in Karlsruhe. The KWIP board
of directors decided not to award him any financial support.
Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Krakow.
[77 830].
1-page TL to Hugo Seemann. For permission to increase the
allocated 3,000 M, a resolution of the KWIP board of direc-
tors is needed, and even for the 3,000 M granted, the
approval of the KWIP board of trustees is still pending. If
Seemann envisages spending more than 3,000 M, Einstein
advises that he file a new request. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10, Mappe Seemann. [77 623].
1-page ALS from Edgar Meyer to Dean of Philosophical
Faculty II of the University of Zurich. Proposes that Ein-