C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0 6 1 3
certs, lectures, exhibitions. Invites him to deliver a popular
lecture on a scientific topic of Einstein’s choice. Offers
1,000 M honorarium, travel and living expenses in Kiel.
Provenance: IsJHU. [44 126].
Following the general meeting of the International Society
of Amateur Astronomers (Ingedelia), the first of a series of
popular lectures is delivered on the Einstein Donation Fund
and on methods of testing general relativity. Provenance:
Vossische Zeitung, 20 April 1920, EE, Supplement.
after April 21 1-page Dft to Bernhard Harms in Ilse Einstein’s hand on the
verso of Harms’s letter (see entry of 21 April). Accepts the
invitation and will deliver a talk entitled “Raum und Zeit im
Lichte der Relativitätstheorie.” Intends to come with Elsa
Einstein. Provenance: IsJHU. [44 127].
April 22 1-page ADS. Submits a curriculum vitae (see Doc. 389) for
publication in the English translation of Einstein 1917a
(Vol. 6, Doc. 42). Incorrectly dated and attributed in Vol. 8,
pp. 1005–1006. Provenance: IsJHU. [11 196].
Meeting of the KWIP board of directors. Approves 5,000 M
for F. Weigert, 7,000 M for Hedwig Kohn, 1,000 M for Wil-
helm Hallwachs, 12,800 M for Peter P. Koch, and 2,000 M
for James Franck. Provenance: entry of 30 April and Ein-
stein to board of trustees, 3 May 1920 (GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657).
after April 22 1-page TD. Agreement with Methuen publishing house on
English edition of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42). Stipu-
lates 2 pence royalty for Vieweg, 2 pence for Einstein for
the copyright, and 2 pence more for additions with a mini-
mum printing of 2,000; 5 cents royalty for Vieweg and 5
cents for Einstein for copies sold in the U.S. with a mini-
mum printing of 3,000. [Dated on the assumption that this
document is the contract enclosed with Doc. 390]. Prove-
nance: IsJHU. [67 997].
April 23 Is elected corresponding member of the Royal Dutch Acad-
emy of Sciences.
12-page ALS from K. Frank in Marburg. Thanks for Ein-
stein’s reply to his letter, even though Einstein disapproved
of his proposed crystal concept. Expounds his idea that ani-
mals reveal crystal-like properties when cells are considered
to play the role of molecules. To add arguments to the case,