DOCUMENT 19 MATURA EXAMS SEPTEMBER 1896 23 19. Final Grades, Aargau Kantonsschule Aarau, den 5. Sept. 1896 ABGANGSNOTEN FÜR DIE SCHÜLER DER 4. TECHN. KLASSE (HERBST 1896) Name u. Heimat 1. Einstein, Albert, v. Ulm Deutsch Französisch Englisch* Italienisch* Geschichte Geographie* Algebra 4-5 3 5 5 4 6 [...][1] *Zugleich Maturitätsnoten[2] Geboren 14/III 1879 Künftiges Studium Physik Geometrie 6 Darst. Geometrie 5 Physik 5-6 Chemie 5 Naturgeschichte 5 Kunstzeichnen* 4 Techn. Zeichnen* 4 Dr. A. Tuchschmid Rektor ADS (SzASa, Erziehungsdirektion 1896, Mappe Ks. 5, no. 2270). The presentation here departs from that in the original, where the subject headings were arranged on a single horizontal line, with the grades standing di- rectly beneath the corresponding heading. [1] The names and grades of other pupils are omitted. [2] The secondary-school leaving examina- tion in geography was generally administered at the end of the second year, those in English and Italian at the end of the third year (see Matura-Reglement 1893, article 6). Since Einstein entered the Gewerbeschule in the third year and never took geography there, some special arrangement must have been made in his case. There were no examinations in draw- ing or technical drawing work done during the year served as the basis for these grades (see ibid.). MATURA EXAMINATIONS AT THE GEWERBESCHULE, AARGAU KANTONSSCHULE In September 1896, Einstein and his fourth-year classmates in the Gewerbeschule took the secondary-school leaving examination (Maturitätsprüfung), often abbre- viated Matura.[1] Passing the examination was important to his plans: a leaving cer- [1] Ten pupils registered to take the exam- ination, the nine in Einstein's class and a pupil in the third-year class. The latter apparently withdrew before examination time (see Gott- lieb Käppeli, Erziehungsdirektor, Canton of Aargau, to Hermann Bleuler, Präsident, Schweizerischer Schulrat, 9 September 1896 and the list of pupils taking the examination, both in SzASa, Erziehungsdirektion 1896, Mappe Ks. 5, no. 2270).