3 5 6 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): PERSONAL (cont.)
on, 331
Russian physicists: 280, intervenes on be-
half of, 264; visited in Berlin by, 264,
Rolland, Romain: on character of, 78; on
delay in awarding Nobel Prize to, 34
Sailing boat, on buying a, 131, 265, 273
Savic; , Helene, praises, 25
Science, joy of, 94
Scientific American, on writing contest
announced by, 275
Sons: inherited his carelessness, 111; on
educating them personally, 28; on
character of, 293; on relationship with,
24; pleased by their intelligence, 63;
pleased by their love, 65; Switzerland
as socially benevolent environment
for, 14; on raising sons as Swiss, 29;
vacationing with, 204, in Alps,
planned, 95, 100, in Benzingen, 276,
280, 281, 286, 290, 291, 293; plans
for, 204, 213, 216, 226, 233, 234, 264,
Summer house, on buying a, 265, 273,
293, 297
Sunset, on a colorful, 58
Swiss family, reasons for not visiting, 26–
Tarasp, reluctant to go to, 62
Treitschke, reads works of, 33
Visa: Dutch, problems with, 152; Norwe-
gian, 166, 182
Wedding witness, 61
Weggis, visits, 67, 74
Westerdijk, visits with, 139
Weyl, Herman: Berlin is too intense for,
174; compares to Edouard Guillaume,
216, 221; on Universities of Berlin and
Göttingen invitations of, 174
Wien, Wilhelm, compares to Lenard and
Moszkowski, 296
Winteler, Paul: feels comfortable with,
68; praises character of, 74
Winteler-Einstein, Maja: feels comfort-
able with, 67, 68; praises for taking
care of Pauline, 139; proposed to take
care of Hans Albert, 55; said to have
haggled for mother’s inheritance, 165;
visited by, 79; visits, 61
Wittig, Hans, prospects to obtain a doctor-
ate, 151
Zangger, Heinrich: anxious about depres-
sion of, 9; anxious about illness of, 49;
apologizes for comments on, 88; as
good friend, 25; diagnosed with high
blood pressure by, 62; examined by,
60; inconvenient to room with, 61; in-
vites to Prague, 8; resides at home of,
60; on alleviating burden of caring for
AE’s Swiss family, 55; on illegibility
of handwriting of, 15, 46, 65, 174;
praises sensitivity of, 12–13; proposes
typewriter to, 174; special food for
stomach condition, promised by, 41,
requests from, 40; thanks for help, 29;
X-rayed by, 60
Zeeman, Pieter, welcomes as curator of
his Leyden professorship, 234
Zürcher, Emil: thanks for help, 29; and
wife, praises, 25
Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna, thanks for help,
Zurich: compares with Berlin, 315; happy
with free air in, 9; feeling of loneli-
ness, 316; plan for liquidation of Zur-
ich household of Swiss family, 87–89
See also Einstein, Eduard; Einstein, Elsa;
Einstein, Hans Albert; Einstein, Ilse;
Einstein, Margot; Einstein, Pauline;
Einstein-Maric;, Mileva
PHILOSOPHY: As If conference, 185–186, can-
cels participation in, 173, could not at-
tend, 179, invited to, 152, will not attend,
163–164, 166; on causality, 187; Cassirer,
Ernst, criticizes interpretation of relativity
by, 182, manuscript of, 164, 182, 158,
proposes paper by to publish, 179; on re-
lation of concepts to experience, 182;
feels not competent in, 151; Frank, Phil-
ipp, praises for paper on Mach, 41; Holst,
Helge, on paper of, 212; Bergson, Henri,
on, 14; Petzoldt, Joseph, on meeting for a
discussion on epistemology of relativity,
212; on philosophers, 164; on philosophy,
182; Schlick, Moritz, on paper of, 48;
space, on reality of, 202; Spinoza, reads
Ethics of, 59; Wertheimer, Max, follows
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