V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 2 9 1 a 4 1
Vol. 8, 291a. To Heinrich Zangger
Berlin, 1 February 1917
Dear friend Zangger,
Your humorous letter amused me boundlessly. But it didn’t even occur to me to
regard your vivacious emotion and your vigorous efficiency in human affairs with
any lack of respect. That would be the pinnacle of cynicism. So what’s the latest
of my Bessolet called? I don’t know yet, for he is almost as lazy a cor-
respondent as I am, just with the difference that he’s copious once he’s past the sal-
utation, whereas with me the best you get are spot shots. I thank you heartily for
the promised invaluable victuals, or chicken
In the hands of a prominent
specialist (Prof.
my erstwhile stomach ailment has transformed into a liver
complaint, which anyone who looks at me gladly believes. He should finally be
sending you the attestation in the coming days. The war madness has now reached
its boiling
Switzerland seems to be on the verge of it as well, if it’s true
that it had to trade a lot of cows to Germany in exchange for
In any event,
I’ll do my utmost to be able to travel in April or May to see you all. Scientifically,
the little
duly laid an egg, albeit not a golden one. According to the general
theory of relativity it is probable that the universe is not infinite but closed in upon
itself, somewhat like the surface of a
I’ll tell you about the details later.
Isn’t it inconceivable that I, of all people, should get a Kaiser Wilh[elm]
Fate sometimes has a sense of humor, even though its grimmer quali-
ties work much more powerfully. Modern man spared God the task of showering
ash and brimstone; he takes care of that
My former tribal fellow really
let himself be nailed up in vain; he could have ended his life in peace on a diet of
gruel. Don’t fail to read Ph.
excellent article on E. Mach in the Natur-
wissenschaften (latest issue); it’s a small
I asked him (Frank) to
have an offprint sent to you. Then show it to Besso as well, who has a great interest
in such
Is it true that your inner life is also rebelling? I hope you faked
this only as sign of friendship, but with a false estimate of my
impish smile upon reading this last sentence confirms my view. Dear Zangger, why
am I not receiving any bills for my wife’s medical
The nurse? I saved
up a full 2 ·
—albeit not enough to secure the future of two grow-
ing boys. But if I live a few more years, it will suffice.
Cordial greetings from your
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 2 9 1 a 4 1
Vol. 8, 291a. To Heinrich Zangger
Berlin, 1 February 1917
Dear friend Zangger,
Your humorous letter amused me boundlessly. But it didn’t even occur to me to
regard your vivacious emotion and your vigorous efficiency in human affairs with
any lack of respect. That would be the pinnacle of cynicism. So what’s the latest
of my Bessolet called? I don’t know yet, for he is almost as lazy a cor-
respondent as I am, just with the difference that he’s copious once he’s past the sal-
utation, whereas with me the best you get are spot shots. I thank you heartily for
the promised invaluable victuals, or chicken
In the hands of a prominent
specialist (Prof.
my erstwhile stomach ailment has transformed into a liver
complaint, which anyone who looks at me gladly believes. He should finally be
sending you the attestation in the coming days. The war madness has now reached
its boiling
Switzerland seems to be on the verge of it as well, if it’s true
that it had to trade a lot of cows to Germany in exchange for
In any event,
I’ll do my utmost to be able to travel in April or May to see you all. Scientifically,
the little
duly laid an egg, albeit not a golden one. According to the general
theory of relativity it is probable that the universe is not infinite but closed in upon
itself, somewhat like the surface of a
I’ll tell you about the details later.
Isn’t it inconceivable that I, of all people, should get a Kaiser Wilh[elm]
Fate sometimes has a sense of humor, even though its grimmer quali-
ties work much more powerfully. Modern man spared God the task of showering
ash and brimstone; he takes care of that
My former tribal fellow really
let himself be nailed up in vain; he could have ended his life in peace on a diet of
gruel. Don’t fail to read Ph.
excellent article on E. Mach in the Natur-
wissenschaften (latest issue); it’s a small
I asked him (Frank) to
have an offprint sent to you. Then show it to Besso as well, who has a great interest
in such
Is it true that your inner life is also rebelling? I hope you faked
this only as sign of friendship, but with a false estimate of my
impish smile upon reading this last sentence confirms my view. Dear Zangger, why
am I not receiving any bills for my wife’s medical
The nurse? I saved
up a full 2 ·
—albeit not enough to secure the future of two grow-
ing boys. But if I live a few more years, it will suffice.
Cordial greetings from your

