I N D E X 3 5 5
Censorship, postal, in Germany, 50, 66
Chavan, Lucien, intercedes on behalf of, 8
Contemporaries, on stupidity of, 27–28
Court expert opinion, completes, 127,
works on, 121
Customs inspection at border, 22
Delft, on sightseeing in, 138
Divorce, 94, 111
Dutch, on character of the, 30–33
Ehrenfest, Paul Jr., plays with, 153
Ehrenfest, Paul: deep sympathy for, 185;
enjoys children of, 136, 153, 156, 164;
first meeting with, 10; hospitality of,
185; on atheism of, 10; on his financial
debt to, 280; on violins for daughters
of, 152–153, 156, 166, 168, 173, 184,
209, 222; plays music with, 136, 138–
139; praises for cleverness, 138–139;
rooms with in Leyden, 29; trips with,
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana, trip with,
164, 168
Einstein, Edith: involved in her disserta-
tion; 121, 123; sails with, 129; visited
by, 74
Einstein, Ida, visited by, 74
Einstein, Rudolf, visits with, 10
English, learns, 341
Epstein, Paul, on position at University of
Hamburg for, 209
Frankfurt, visit to, 58
German colleagues and authorities, good-
will of, 55
Germany: 127, 129; on moving Swiss
family to Germany, 78, 81, 334; Hans
Albert against, 316
Gottfried-Keller centenary at University
of Zurich, participates, 126
Grommer, Jakob, cooperation with, 38
Guillaume, Edouard, compares to Weyl,
216, 221
Haas, De, visits, 138
Habicht, Conrad, visit with, 60
Health problems: 39–41, 48, 52, 56, 61,
63, 65–66, 70, 77, 84, 88; drinking
cure in Tarasp, 63; history, 45
Hertz, Paul, offers help in finding job for,
Hilbert, David, 20
Housemaid, proposes for his Zurich
family, 27
Jeffery, George, proposes English edition
of Lorentz et al. 1920 to, 330–331
Journalists, 163
Julius, Wilhelm: plays music with, 173;
visits with, 139, 140, 152
Kamerlingh Onnes, Harm, visits with, 168
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, visits with,
139, 159
Kamerlingh Onnes, Menso: rooms at
home of, 298; visits with, 168
Koch, Jacob, visits in Weggis, 74, 77
Kottler, Friedrich, intervenes for position
for, 219–220
Lectures, plans to publish, 33
Lenard, Philipp, compares with Mosz-
kowski and Wien, 296
Lorentz, Hendrik, A., visits with, 30, 139,
140, 169
Maric;, Zora, as help for Mileva Einstein-
Maric;, 52
Moszkowski, Alexander: against being
advertised by, 66; compared with
Philipp Lenard and Wilhelm Wien,
296; incapable of reviewing Einstein
1917a for Umschau, 71
Moszkowski’s book: forbids publication
of, 290, 293, 296, 297; afterthoughts,
315; Moszkowski, Bertha on, 294–
295, 299–300
Munich, former nanny’s greetings to, 175
Music: plays with Ehrenfest, 136, 138–
139, with Greinacher, 127, with Ju-
lius’s daughters, 140, 163
Netherlands: praises weather in, 136, 138;
visit to, 29, 30. See also Dutch, on
character of the
Norway, visit to, 185
Norwegians, on character of, 196
Oslo, on trip to, 163
Piccard, Auguste, on character of, 20
Planck, Max: deep sympathy toward, 18;
happy with attending Rostock festivi-
ties with, 139
Practical work, on use of, 220
Prague: on colleagues in Prague, 8; opin-
ion on, 8
Press, attacks separate friends from ene-
mies, 276
Rubens’s colloquium, follows literature
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