2 3 4 D O C U M E N T S 1 0 3 , 1 0 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 0
the magnetic axis and the
It would be very nice if Langevin and Weiss
I have taken particularly warmly to the former. Stop whining and don’t be
a self-flagellator. Surely we, too, may avail ourselves of the human right of becom-
ing increasingly stupid and lazy with age. That way we do others the service of re-
lieving their consciences . . .
Hearty greetings to all of you, from your
I know nothing as yet about any planned nonsense at Nauheim. You are making me
It won’t be the first, nor the last!
103. To Pieter Zeeman
15 August 1920
Highly esteemed Colleague,
Cordial thanks for the magnificent
and for your friendly words. It
is a special pleasure to me to have you as trustee [“curator”], and I think I can prom-
ise you that I will never subject you to any excruciating
I can deliver the
inaugural lecture only at the end of October, because I would like to spend the first
half of October beforehand with my boys, who live in Zurich and only have vaca-
tion just then.
Wishing you and your family a nice vacation, I send you my warm regards,
yours sincerely,
A. Einstein.
104. From Paul Ehrenfest
[Leyden,] 16 August 1920
Dear Einstein,–
Thanks for your postcard of Aug. 13.–
1.) Your suggestion, October 27, I immediately conveyed to van
As soon as I hear from him whether that works, I’ll report to you
(thus, a few days hence)—but in any event, for heaven’s sake, do come here about
that time and stay long with us—otherwise it will be quite impossible to coordinate
everything (trustees,
etc.) and IÊll go nuts [meschugge].
2.) “Tails”—Well—you must decide that for yourself. Of course, plenty of peo-
ple here will be willing to lend you their dress coat—but it is a geometrical problem
whose solution remains uncertain whether one of them fits you.—I would say: sim-
ply let your wife decide.—Since (after the
) many people will want to
you, and the students will address you, you must, under all con-
ditions, be wearing a dress coat.
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