D O C U M E N T 1 4 0 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 0 2 6 5
Warm greetings all round from your
Your letter about my article just
I wrote it one morning in one stroke,
completely on my own. As my excuse, you must consider that nothing else was left
to me than to defend myself in public against the accusations of deceptive
propaganda, plagiarism, etc., which had been repeatedly made publicly against
had to do this if I wanted to stay in Berlin, where every child knows me from
photographs. If one is a democrat, then one must grant the public this much right
as well.
140. To Max and Hedwig Born
[Berlin,] 9 September 1920
Dear Borns,
Don’t be so strict with me. Everyone has to offer his sacrifice on the altar of stu-
pidity from time to time, for the amusement of God and man. And I did a thorough
job of it with my
Exceedingly appreciative letters from all my dear
friends prove it in that
—A facetious acquaintance said recently: Every-
thing is publicity to Einstein; his newest and slyest trick is the Weyland Co.
That’s how it is, or similar, at least. Like the man in the fairy tale, whose touch
turned everything into gold, thus it is with me, with everything turning into banner-
line news: suum
During the first moment of onslaught, I really did consider
But then I
thought better of it and the old phlegm returned. Now I just think about purchasing
a sailboat and a little cottage near Berlin by the
I shall appear at your home somewhere around the 18th, if I can be of any use to
you. If, however, it is necessary to live in [Bad] Nauheim during the scientists’ con-
vention, then please see to it, d[ear] Born, that we can be housed next to each other
there. I am not reserving anything from here, because you can judge better how best
to go about it. If possible, I would like to stay with you a little too, though, so that
I can banter with the charming correspondent as well, since it does not work in
writing with this annoying coagulation of my ink. Else is also coming but is staying
with the
Then on the 28th we must be in Stuttgart, where I have to preach for the benefit
of a public
After that we are traveling into Swabia, where I have ar-
ranged to meet my
Cordial greetings to you both, yours,
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