D O C U M E N T S 4 1 , 4 2 J U N E 1 9 2 0 1 7 9
Guye and Rutherford about
but you yourself really ought to work toward
that too!! It canÊt be impossible, surely, to furnish experimental proof!!
I hope very much to meet you still when we come to Holland. So, hopefully auf
With most cordial greetings, yours most sincerely,
A. D. Fokker.
41. To Hans Vaihinger
Berlin, 3 June 1920
Highly esteemed Colleague,
Unfortunately, it was absolutely necessary, due to my nomination as a member
of the Amsterdam
that I be present in Amsterdam for the meeting of
May 29. That is why it was unfortunately impossible for me to come to the As If
Conference, which certainly was very
The thought of your intending to publish an “Einstein Issue” gives me a creepy
sensation of embarrassment. Perhaps the issue could be dedicated to the theory of
relativity instead of to me personally. So much recognition as is being showered on
me is a heavy burden indeed for the living to bear. I am not in possession of a manu-
script for the speech held at Leyden, hence I cannot have it printed
is completely lacking for drafting a separate essay. But I would like to inform you
that Prof. Cassirer in Hamburg has written a very interesting essay on the theory of
relativity from the philosophical point of view that is as yet
In great respect, yours very sincerely,
42. To Paul Epstein
[Berlin,] 4 June 1920
Dear Colleague,
An epidemic urge to flee Zurich seems to have got hold of
It is a
pity how little skill or good will the Zurichers are able to muster to make use of such
a propitious time for developing their universities. I hope you finally get that long
overdue professorship now; there are—as far as I know—many
But in
any case, if all else fails, you will take in a very comfortable temporary subsistence
in Leyden, in which you can wait worry-free. Ehrenfest told me about
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