V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 1 8 5 a 2 1
honest good will that I also consider it right if I yield to my feelings and travel
there—despite all the earlier bad experiences. So I’m really going to try and go
somewhere with Albert (Zugerberg), in order to spend a few days with him
Then, to my great joy, I’ll see you and Besso again as well and if
possible also look up Dr. Zürcher to thank him for his
I am quite overworked from the extraordinary exertions of the last few months.
But the success is
The interesting thing is that now the initial hypothe-
ses I made with Grossmann are confirmed, and the most radical of theoretical re-
At the time we lacked only a few relations of a formal
nature, without which the link between the formulas and already known laws can-
not be attained. The matter is beginning to sink into my colleagues’ minds as well.
In 10 or 20 years it will be a matter of course. . . .
It seems to me almost better if all of you don’t speak with my Albert. He could
become accustomed to falseness far too soon if he sees that certain feelings are ex-
pected of him. It was a big mistake of mine to be annoyed about his
Such a thing shouldn’t happen to a reasonable man of my age. Being overworked
is, however, connected with heightened irritability; that excuses it somewhat. The
one-sidedness of the relationship between parents and children is, after all, a natu-
ral law; the harshness of this arrangement is in general only softened by careful
training—see the (fourth?) commandment of the Old Testam[ent].
I’m eagerly awaiting our next cozy chat. Best regards, also to your wife and your
little ones, yours,
Vol. 8, 185a. To Wilhelm Wirtinger[1]
[Berlin, 26 January 1916]
To the Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the Imperial and Royal University of
Highly Esteemed Sir,
Regarding your inquiry of 19 January 1916, I am informing you that I would
take under very serious consideration an offer of a position at your
With great respect,
A. Einstein
Wittelsbacher St. 13