V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 3 6 5 a , 3 6 7 a 6 7
tree next to the house and am letting myself be roasted by the sun. Since Berlin, I
have gained 1.3 kg; the remainder is sure to come. This to reassure you. Albert is a
clever, healthy boy, but is often cheeky with me; yesterday I gave him a good dress-
ing down. My girls really are much better behaved; Margot’s letter pleased me very
much, especially since I know that she is not such an excessively avid writer. What
a shame that all of you aren’t here as well. The weather is splendid, and life is in-
describably comfortable.
Greetings & kisses from your
The money to Miza has also
Best regards to the little minxes and to Un-
cle &
Vol. 8, 365a. To Elsa Einstein
[Lucerne,] Monday. [30 July 1917]
Dear Else,
I hope you are receiving my messages more regularly than I am yours. The day
before yesterday we went on a cruise to Weggis with Uncle J[akob] in splendid
He is brimming with health and mirth. I am feeling very well. My out-
ward appearance is improving
At the end of August, let’s meet in Ensin-
gen; I say this in every postcard so that you get used to the
Mama is going
to Weggis at the end of the week with
I feel very much at ease with Maja.
Albert is going back to Zurich
yesterday he climbed a mountain near
Vierwaldstätter Lake (2300 m) with
Now you shall wield the scepter of the
certainly a difficult reign. I hope our little Margot is completely well
again. I miss you very much already along with the little minxes, as nice as it is for
me here. From this I see, better than ever, how much I belong among you!
Greetings & kisses from your
Vol. 8, 367a. To Elsa Einstein
[Lucerne,] Wednesday. [1 August 1917]
Dear Else,
I have been without news for almost an entire week and am close to sending you
a telegram. Is everything all right at your end? I am feeling remarkably well. I have
been here a week now
Maja Albert traveled back to Zurich yesterday
The harmony between him and me still leaves quite a lot to be desired