4 8 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 3 2 6 a , 3 3 0 a
Vol. 8, 326a. To Heinrich Zangger
Monday, 16 April [1917]
Dear friend Zangger,
I hope you recuperated well on vacation. I am also feeling well; every day I take
some of your oil, ever since I haven’t received any more milk
It is a true
[blessing]. With A[dler] I took other measures. I wrote him I should be summoned
as a witness for the trial. I have a few things to present that won’t fail to leave an
impression on the
If the Zurich Phys. Soc. approaches this matter with
the little warmth it seems to have, then it should dally off home.
You received the money, I hope; if, as a consequence of the unfortunate circum-
stances, more is needed, I’ll gladly send
How are my wife and my little boy
Albert is enveloped again in deep
When does he have summer
holidays? I would like to plan my trip to visit you accordingly. Recently I had an-
other strong attack; I now also believe that it’s
I suffered many such
attacks already in Berne, even more frequently than
I am being very self-
lessly nursed by my relatives, despite the truly serious
Ex oriente
lux—who would have thought
The future is less certain than ever but more
full of hope, the influence on the minds unmistakable. Raised self-esteem among
the multitude.–
In science I am slowly brooding on; the path is stony and the legs are weak. The
gen. theory of relat. is finding enthusiastic supporters throughout the world. The
Naturwissenschaften has an excellent exposition of the theory by the philosopher
Schlick in
I am sending you the paper with the request also to give it
to Stodola and
That’s a fellow one could appoint to a chair in Switzer-
Cordial regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
Vol. 8, 330a. From Hans Albert Einstein
[Zurich,] 28 April
Dear Papa,
Unfortunately I have to inform you that I still don’t know when I have vacation.
But I’ll let you know as soon as I myself
Tete is doing well, and Mama and
he are feeling very comfortable at “Bethanienheim”
They have a nice
room with a balcony. My address is now, for the time being, 25 Berg St., Zurich
Many greetings from