1 5 0 D O C U M E N T 3 M A Y 1 9 2 0
3. From Gottlieb Haberlandt[1]
Dahlem, Berlin, 1 Königin Luise St., 1 May 1920
Esteemed Colleague,
Upon returning home from a many-day excursion, I discovered your friendly let-
ter, in which you state your willingness to sign if other Socialists also give their
This condition is already satisfied, in that Prof. Cunow of Berlin is
among the signers of the draft appeal, which I am sending out to you again
Our Colleague Meinecke, with whom I discussed
informed me
that other Socialists will certainly receive the appeal for signatures as well. That is
the business of the men responsible for the individual universities. In any event, it
is far from the minds of the appeal organizers to wish to exclude any Socialists who
firmly back our Constitution.
Thus I believe that you can safely sign the appeal without the least sacrifice to
your political stance and convictions. Your name would be the more welcome to us
since the number of colleagues in complete agreement with the content of the ap-
peal but who, for opportunistic reasons, are unwilling to sign is unfortunately larger
than we initially thought.
Amicable greetings from your devoted colleague,
mv 2 r n1h =
mv 2 rcos n2h =
between 0 and n2 n1
n1 0= n2 0=
---- - cos =
n1 1=
n2 1=
n2 0=
n2 1–=
n1 2=
n1 2=
2n 1+