412 INDEX Drude, Paul (cont.) of metals, AE's interest in, xl, 236-237, 284-285, 287, 303, 304n, 309n, 326n ex- planation of Wiedemann-Franz Law by, 236- 237 Ducrue, Joseph, 351, 353 Dulong-Petit law, 236, 279-280, 283 Du Pasquier, Louis-Gustave (1876-1953), 214 Dynamical explanations of physical phenom- ena, 261 Dynamos, li, liv n Eckart, Pauline. See Winteler, Pauline Ehrat, Jakob (1876-1960), 214, 247, 253, 263, 269n, 290, 298-299, 329, 330, 337 biogra- phy, 379 candidate as Assistent to Rudio at ETH, 250, 251, 252n, 253, 263n, 337n can- didate at Thurgau Kantonsschule, 250n, 251, 252n, 255 Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule. See ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule. See ETH Eidgenössisches Amt für geistiges Eigentum. See Swiss Federal Patent Office Einsiedeln, Canton of Schwyz, 225 Einstein, Abraham Ruppert (1808-1868), pa- ternal grandfather of AE, xlviii-xlix, ln Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE, lvi-lxvi, 1 birth, xxxvi, lvi, 1 birth of sister Maja, lvi-lvii, 370 (see also Winteler-Einstein, Maja) compass, wonder at, 5, 370 ele- mentary schooling, see Petersschule (Blu- menstraße) instruction at home, lvii, 370 Milan, family moves to from Munich, liii– liv, 371 Milan, family moves to from Pa- via, liv, 45n, 373 Munich, family moves to from Ulm, li, 370 Munich, leaves to join family in Milan, xxxvi, lxiii, 372 par- ents, see Einstein, Hermann, and Einstein, Pauline Pavia, family moves to from Milan, liv, 372 philosophy, interest in, lx, lxii, 4 physics, ideas on, lxiv, 5-6, 6-9, 12, 28, 372 popular science, readings in, lxii, 265n religious instruction, lix reli- gious sentiments, Jewish, lix-lx, 370 sec- ondary schooling, see Aargau Kantons- schule, and Luitpold-Gymnasium speech, late development of, lvi, 370 Talmey, friendship with, see Talmey, Max Winte- ler-Einstein on, xlviii-lxvi. See also AE, Electrotechnology, interest in AE, Mathe- matics, study of AE, Music, study and playing of AE, Physics, study of citizenship: German: renunciation of, lxiv, 20 Municipal Naturalization Com- mission, Zurich, AE questioned by, 271- 272 stateless status, lxiv, 45n, 55n, 239 Swiss: documents relating to, 241, 242, 243, 245-246, 269-270, 271-272, 275- 276 process of obtaining, 239-241 comments on people, places, and other topics: anti-Semitism, German, 282 authority, antipathy toward, 310 Bern, 332 Besso, Marco Tullio, 215 Besso, Michele, 258, 282-283, 285 By– land, Hans, 306 creation of an inner world, 56 Drude, Paul, 308, 310 Ehrat, Jakob, 330 Einstein, Maja (sister), 221, 288, 303, 330 Einstein, Pauline (mother), 221 Engelbrecht, Johanna, 288 estrange- ment from others, 330 examinations, 234 family ties, 221 fate, 300 freedom, 267 Grossmann, Marcel, 290, 324, 328 hun- ger and love, driving forces in life, 252 intellectual work, 55-56 Kleiner, Alfred, 321-322, 326, 328 Koch, Julie, 222-223, 227 letter writing, laziness in, 9, 211 "Lieserl" (AE's daughter), 322, 332 love, 21, 231, 286 Maric, Mileva, 220- 221, 258, 259-260, 267, 294, 322, 330 Markwalder, Stephanie, 254 nature, 56, 222 parents, AE's, 55-56, 211, 251-252, 253, 300 Pavia, 22 professors, German, 310 recommendations, 309 relationship between man and woman, 251-252, 325 relationship between thought and its ob- ject, 4 rooms AE lives in, 299, 332-333 scientific profession, independence of, 28 solitude, 321, 325 Stern, Alfred, 296 studying, solace in, 211, 258 teaching, 310 Winterthur teachers, 305 correspondence to Department of Education, Canton of Bern, 13 July 1901, 311 from Department of Internal Affairs, Can- ton of Bern: 16 July 1901, 312 31 July 1901, 313 to Director's Office, Technikum Burgdorf, 1 July 1901, 307-308 to Einstein, Maja: 1898, 211 after Feb 1899, 215 to Grossmann, Marcel: 14 April 1901, 290-291 6? Sept 1901, 315-316 to Habicht, Conrad: 4 Feb 1902, 331