DOCUMENT 59 OCTOBER 1899 241 and its report followed on 30 January (Doc. 88). The same day cantonal fees were set at 200 francs.[16] On 7 February the Governing Council (Regierungsrat), the cantonal executive body, granted cantonal citizenship.[17] Twelve days later the municipality took note of the cantonal decision and stated that citizenship would be conferred upon payment of the fees. Einstein met this condition and became a Swiss citizen on 21 February 1901.[18] He soon began to explore the job possibilities that were now open to him. [16] See the petition of Emanuel Grob, Di- rector of the Department of Internal Affairs, to the Governing Council (Regierungsrat), 30 January, requesting citizenship for Einstein on condition that he pay municipal and can- tonal fees within a month (in ibid.). [17] A docket on the Grob petition by Can- tonal Secretary Dr. Albert Huber on 7 Feb- ruary indicates approval. [18] Wyss notified the city council of the cantonal decision on 19 February. His docket two days later indicates final conferral (SzZ– Ar, Akten des Stadtrats Zürich, Bürgerliche Sektion, 1901, no. 85). 59. Municipal Certificate of Residence and Good Conduct Polizeiwesen der Stadt Zürich Zürich, den 18. Oktober 1899 Domizil- & Leumundszeugnis. Dem Herrn Albert Einstein, geb. 14. März 1879, von Ulm, Württem- berg, stud, math., wohnhaft Unionstraße 4 in Zürich V,[1] wird hiermit bezeugt, daß er seit 29. Oktober 1896 seinen tatsächlichen und ununterbrochenen Wohnsitz in hiesiger Stadt hat und, soviel hierorts bekannt, einen unbe- scholtenen Ruf besitzt. Der Polizeivorstand. E. H. Müller[2] Der Chef des Zentralkontrollbüreau: Bühler[3] Kontr. No 3599. Gebühr 60 Rpn. DS (Sz-Ar, E 21/23560). [1] Einstein was registered at Klosbach- straße 87 from 17 September 1898 until 19 October 1899. He did not register at Union- straße 4 until 9 November 1899, the second time he lived there (see Einwohnerkontrolle, SzZ-Ar). [2] The Zurich city councillor in charge of police affairs. [3] Bühler also countersigned Einstein's re- lease from Württemberg citizenship (see Doc. 16).