CHRONOLOGY, 1879-1902 373 April 29 June 24-26 July 9 August 7 Fall September 18, 19, 21 September 30 October 3 October 5-10 October 12 October 29 December 21 1897, January 2 March 20 April 20 July 31 The first quarter at the Kantonsschule begins. Einstein enters the fourth and final year of the technical school. Einstein visits the Säntis massif in northeastern Switzerland during a school field trip, led by Professor Mühlberg. While hiking, he is saved from a fall by a classmate. The first quarter at the Kantonsschule ends. Einstein spends the summer holidays with his family in Pavia. The second quarter at the Kantonsschule begins. The Einstein family returns to Milan, where they live at via Bigli 21. Einstein takes the written Matura examinations at the Kantonsschule. Einstein takes the oral Matura examinations. Einstein is awarded the Matura certificate. On one of these days Einstein reports to the director of the ETH to enroll in Section VI A. The winter semester at the ETH begins. Classes start on 20 October. "Auch etwas theoretische Physik hatte ich bereits studiert, als ich ... auf das Züricher Polytechnikum kam ..." (Einstein 1979, p. 14). During this semester Einstein meets fellow physics student, Mileva Maric. Einstein registers at Unionstraße 4 in Zurich, where he boards with Henriette Hägi. The winter vacation begins. Einstein spends the holidays with his family in Milan. Classes resume. Classes at the ETH end. The winter semester ends on 27 March. Einstein spends the intersession with his family in Milan. The summer semester at the ETH begins and classes start. Classes at the ETH end. The summer semester ends on 5 August.