I N D E X 3 5 1
109; on rotating magnetic field in general rel-
ativity, 221; on Spinoza, 110; on Weyl’s the-
ory, 108–109, 221; praised for intellect and
character, 24; praised for interdisciplinarity,
117; praises Hans Albert, 216; prepares to
leave for Rome to work in his uncle’s library,
83; sails with AE, 23; visits AE in Lucerne,
69, 70
Besso, Vero (1898–1962): 62, 82, 92, 93, 218;
proposes practical work for, 218; defends
Anna Besso-Winteler, 92–93; engaged to Ly-
dia Brönnimann, 341; on character of Maja
Winteler-Einstein, 93; visits AE, 69
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944): 38, 60, 70,
78, 83, 90, 94, 105; AE on character of, 70–
71; on AE’s neglecting sons, 55; burdened
with work, 62; feelings of about Maja Wintel-
er-Einstein, 93; home of as potential boarding
house for Eduard Einstein, 81; praised by AE
for financial help to Mileva, 83; offends Mil-
eva, 100; about AE’s marriage, 90, 93, 93–
94, 98, 105; takes care of AE, 78; visits AE,
Bethanienheim hospital in Zurich, 48
Bie, Oscar (1864–1938), expresses sympathy for
AE, 247
Bismarck, Otto von (1815–1898), 293
Bjerknes, Carl (1825–1903), 292
Bjerknes, Vilhelm (1862–1951): 310; on AE’s
invitation to University of Oslo, 292; on grav-
itation and inertia, 292
Bjerrum, Niels (1879–1958): 194; spectrum of
HCl, 222
Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885–1962), 209
Bloch, Helmut, expresses sympathy for AE,
Bloch, Werner (1890–1973), 84
Boas, Ismar (1858–1938): 41, 45, 46, 52; diag-
noses AE with gallstone, 45, with liver condi-
tion, 42, 44; proposes drinking cure for AE,
Boguslavsky, Sergei (1883–1923), 298, 328
Bohr, Niels (1885–1962): 151–152; invited to
Solvay meeting, 189; invites AE to meet in
Copenhagen, 200; on Stern, 220; planned lec-
ture of at Solvay meeting, 188; pleased with
AE’s lecturing in Copenhagen, 200; praised
by AE, 228; sends butter to AE, 151; theory
of spectra, 194; visits AE, 337
Bohr-Norlund, Margrethe (1889–1884), 200
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906): AE on, 211;
H-function, 177; on dissociation of gases, 7;
distribution law, 216
Bolza, Hans (1889–1986), 328
Born, Hedwig (1882–1972): 196, 265; criticizes
Einstein 1920f, 263; death of mother of, 208;
invites AE to stay with them, 226, 263; Mosz-
kowski’s book on AE, against publication of,
282–284; AE on, 315; on AE’s peace of
mind, 263; on death, 225; on Max Born’s
plans to lecture in US, 279
Born, Max (1882–1970): 15, 172, 265, 278, 283,
295, 296; asks AE’s help in getting invitation
to lecture in US, 286; book on relativity,
Schlick on, 287, Zangger on, 326; book on
structure of matter, Zangger on, 326; finds
AE childish, 291; finds AE has weak ability
to judge human character, 298; Moszkow-
ski’s book on AE, against publication of,
290–291, 297; moves to University of Göttin-
gen, 189; on candidates for his chair in Frank-
furt, 208, 328; on free mean path of silver
atoms in air, 208, 225; on help to Bo-
guslavsky, 298, 328; on irreversible process-
es in crystals, 328–329; on Lorentz’s
character, 298; on plan to lecture in US, 290;
praises Krutkov, 298
Bosch, Carl (1874–1940), 233
Bossard, Konrad(?), 147
Brandhuber, Camillus (1860–1931): 74, 125,
126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 204, 264, 293; copy
of Einstein 1917a for, 281; health problems,
286; invites AE, 77, 78; views of, AE on, 80.
See also Benzingen
Brandhuber, Fidelia, 132, 281, 286
Brandhuber, Inge, 132
Brauer, August (1863–1917), 81
Bredig, Georg (1868–1944), 6
Broglie, Maurice de (1875–1960): 239; planned
lecture of at Solvay meeting, 188
Brose, Henry (1890–1965), 159, 288
Brownian motion, 183
Buchholz, Hugo (1866–1921): 223, 263; recom-
mended by AE, 222
Budapest, 306–306
Bund “Neues Vaterland,” 274
Cailloux, Joseph (1863–1944), 258
Calisse, G. L., 237
Capillarity, 9