3 3 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 3 8 2 4 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0
238. To Jewish Community of Berlin
Berlin, 22 December 1920
After careful consideration, I cannot resolve to join the Jewish religious
As much as I feel myself to be a Jew, I stand aloof from the tradi-
tional religious
Nevertheless, in order to show how close Jewish issues are
to my heart, I am very ready to give a fitting annual contribution to Jewish charity.
In great respect,
239. To A. J. Reingold
Berlin, 22 December 1920
Dear Sir,
Your statement of sympathy honestly pleased me; I thank you cordially for
The attacks directed against me[2] were, incidentally, not by any means as bad as
it might appear from
On this occasion I experienced more goodwill than
animosity from our colleagues in the field and other people. It should also be taken
into consideration that Germans currently deserve forbearance in their severe eco-
nomic and political situation.
In great respect,
240. From Frederick A. Lindemann
Sidholme, Sidmouth, 22 December 1920
Highly esteemed Privy Councillor,
I would not like to miss extending to you and your esteemed wife my best wishes
for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The delightful hours that I was per-
mitted to spend with you in September will always remain for me one of the finest
memories of the year
I hope that you will allow me to repeat this pleasure
in the coming year, although I cannot deny that you may perhaps say that pleasure
is also an observer-dependent concept.– I take the liberty of enclosing a couple of
offprints and hope that they will meet with your approval. The essay on relativity
caused general irritation at the philosophy conference in
I would be extremely grateful if you could have your offprints forwarded to me.
While in Berlin, I had stayed so long with you that I forgot to make this request.–
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