3 5 2 I N D E X
Cassel, Hans (1891–?), 307
Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945): 162, 164; asks AE
not to leave Berlin, 243–244; expresses sym-
pathy for AE, 242–243; manuscript of Cas-
sirer 1921, AE’s comments on, 195–196; on
relativity and philosophy, 158; praised by
AE, 182
Cauer, Minna (1841–1922): 274; expresses sym-
pathy for AE, 274
Causality: and initial values, 187, 191; and law
of inertia, 186, 191, 202, 246; and probabili-
ty, 99; principle of, 186, 190
Censorship, postal, in Germany, 50, 66
Chapiro, Joseph (1893–1962), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 247
Chavan, Lucien (1868–1942): 8, 291; Hans Al-
bert practices French with, 213
Chavan-Perrin, Jeanne (1866–1958): 291; Hans
Albert practices French with, 213, 215
Chicago Zionist Club, expresses sympathy for
AE, 338
Chopin, Frédéric, 96
Christianity, early, AE on, 13
Chulanovsky, Vladimir (1889–1969), 298
Coal shortage: in Germany, 72; in Switzerland,
72, 84–85
Cochet, Marie-Anne, sends her book to AE, 235
Coebergh, Joannes A. F. (1841–1922), curator of
AE’s Leyden professorship, 229
Cohn, Emil (1854–1944), 246
Columbia University, invites AE to lecture, 279
Conservtion of momentum, 180
Conventionalism, Schlick on Reichenbach, 287
Corelli, Arcangelo, Sonata 5, 102
Cosmology: boundary conditions in, AE and Ed-
dington on, 228; closed universe, 41, ghost
images of stars in, 302–303, 319, conditions
for, De Sitter on, 303, AE on, 212, Petzoldt
on, 206; cosmological constant, 232, 319, De
Sitter on, 318; size of observable universe,
42; non-closed universe of De Sitter, 302–
303; radius of universe, 42; stability of Gal-
axy, De Sitter on, 318–319; static, spatially
symmetric solutions with degenerate bound-
ary conditions, 38. See also EINSTEIN, AL-
Cracow, 16
Cunow, Heinrich (1862–1936), 150
Curti-Forrer, Eugen (1865–?), 143
Dällenbach, Walter (1892–1990), on rotating
magnetic fields in general relativity, AE on,
217, Besso on, 221
Danish Astronomical Society: AE lectures at,
200; invites AE to lecture, 151
Debye, Peter (1884–1922): 10, 13, 15, 129, 159,
197, 305, 328; on polarizability of molecules,
280; plans book on relativity, 326; promoted
as professor at University of Zurich, 13
Deng, L., sends package to Elsa, 166, 168, 172
Descartes Rene; (1596–1650), 118
Deslandres, Henri (1853–1948), 239
Dickmann, Ina, expresses sympathy for AE, 243
Diffusion, 31
Dimensions, in Newton’s law of motion, 217
Dispersion, theory of, 153
Disraeli, Benjamin, (1804–1881), 293
Dissociation of gases, 7
Divorce contract: AE accepts, 94; draft of, 95,
96–97, 100–101; of 1918, 91; Mileva Ein-
stein-Maric; accepts AE’s proposal, 89; Mile-
va denies that she had initiated divorce
proceedings, 23; terms on financial support,
97–98, Zürcher on, 89
Donder, Théophile de (1872–1957): requests
Einstein 1919a from AE, 227; on energy ten-
sor, 232; on his notation in general relativity,
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821–1885), 93–94
Driesch, Hans (1867–1941), 191
Dutch Academy (Amsterdam): nominates AE as
corresponding member, 168, 169; elects AE
as corresponding member, 171, 178; inducts
AE as corresponding member, 173
Earth orbit, observation of eccentricity by red-
shift, AE on, 36
Eastern European students, AE’s course for, 242
Eclipse, solar, expedition of 1914; planned, 12;
failure of, 13
Eclipse solar, expedition of 1919, positive results
of, 138
Eclipse expeditions. See Relativity, general
theory of
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944): 138–139, 192,
238, 318; Lorentz on book by, 199, 228; on
positive results of eclipse expedition, 138– 139;
sends report of eclipse expedition to AE, 192
Ehrenberg, Helene (1852–1920), 196
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