3 4 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 4 6 , 2 4 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0
The kd. inquiry that you add to your letter filled me with utter joy, as a sign of
affinity and high regard from that scientif. circle whose members I have always ad-
mired and about whom [a] friend told me many personally likeable
The problems and attacks that fell to my share
are not of such a serious
nature as it may seem abroad. Given the great willingness on the part of our Ger-
man colleagues in the profession and the authorities to oblige me, as I have contin-
ually experienced, it would be an act of [disdain] if during these times of need and
degradation I were to turn my back on Germany. That I am Swiss and of thoroughly
international persuasion changes nothing in this personal
Thus I deem it as my duty to stay resolutely at my post as long as external cir-
cumstances do not make this practically
With best wishes for the coming year, cordial regards from your
246. To Ayao Kuwaki[1]
Berlin, 28 December 1920
Highly esteemed Colleague,
I am extremely pleased that you and your colleague have translated my booklet
I still remember well your visit to Berne, especially since you
were the first Japanese, indeed the first East Asian whose acquaintance I ever made.
You astounded me then with your great theoretical
I am sending your letter to my publisher, Vieweg & Son, which is joint owner of
the translation copyright.
Kind regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
247. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Munich, 6 Leopold St., 28 December 1920
Esteemed Professor,
Like my wife and I, many others will regret that nothing should come of your
visit to Munich. If it weren’t for the Christmas holidays, I would suggest that you
make a brief stop in Munich before the Vienna talk, around Jan. 5th. Around this
time, there would be room for an internal colloquium too, of course; a select enthu-
siastic public would most heartily welcome you as well, which would probably be
more agreeable to you than a more or less uncomprehending great mass of listeners
in the main aud[itorium].
But I would not like to wait until next January or, as Sommerfeld hopes, until
with my news about the metal sphere and the heat-rotation experiment.
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