V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 3 5 7 a 5 7
Albert that I have to be such a lame companion for him. But I will try to compensate
for the deficiency somehow. The money transfers are causing growing difficulties
which, however, with the help of the Ministry of Culture can surely be overcome.
I have already taken measures for the next transfer (1,400 francs on August first).
If a further transfer should be arranged before my departure, which will take place
on the 29th of June already, please inform me immediately so that I can attend to it
right away. I am living a very quiet life, particularly considering that most of my
professional colleagues have been deprived of their scientific
Who knows
when people will revert to the pursuit of finer goals again.– In the Naturwissen-
schaften an exceedingly fine article appeared about Aristotle’s and Hippocrates’s
theories on heredity, cast in the light of modern advancements in this
article will perhaps also amuse an expert like you.
Couldn’t we accommodate Tete elsewhere in Arosa for 2 years, when daily med-
ical treatment is no longer
Let’s discuss this then. In any event, I’m
not going to leave anything untried, if in your opinion an actual recuperation is still
within the range of possibility.
Cordial greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.
Many thanks to your wife for everything she has done for my boy, and a kiss for
my Albert.
Vol. 8, 357a. To Heinrich Zangger
[Berlin,] 24 June 1917
Dear friend Zangger,
Thank you for the two packages with the splendid comestibles, which arrived
here safely. I’ve been shuttling around endlessly about the travel permit, but with
God’s help it will work. The day after tomorrow is my last
Friday night
I am traveling to
Saturday I am delivering a talk
Then I’ll be
spending 5–6 days at my
and will travel, if all goes smoothly, between
the 5th and 7th of July to Switzerland, a hard-earned but great reward; there seem
to be some lively goings-on there, too.
Cordial greetings to you, your wife and my dear
A. Einstein.
I’m unspeakably pleased to be seeing my boys. I hope I’m not too shaken when I
see my Tete; you do write that he looks all right.