I N D E X 9 6 1 Kaizo, 797a Methuen, 132, 447, 785a, 787a, 789a, 791a, 794a, 795a, 796a, 797a, 799a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 815a, 822a, 823a, 824a, 825a, 826a, 827a, 829a Nicola Zanichelli, 787a Reclam, 800a Renaissance, 818a, 819a Slowo, 784a, 786a, 789a, 790a, 805a, 806a, 807a, 812a, 816a, 830a Teubner, 284, 791a, 796a, 797a, 830a Vieweg, 60–61, 329, 784a, 786a, 787a, 788a, 789a, 790a, 793a, 794a, 797a, 798a, 803a, 804a, 805a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 817a, 823a, 825a, 826a Pulido, Angel, 585n Pupin, Michael (1858–1935), invites AE to Co- lumbia University, 731 Pythagoras, Weyl on character of metric, 114 Pythagoras theorem, Einstein, Eduard on, 375 Quanta, secret of, AE on, 371 Zangger on, 341 Quantum theory, xlii, 457 absorption according to Bohr, 361 adiabatic hypothesis, 301n, 511 AE on Sommerfeld’s analysis of spectra, 92 anomalies cannot change equipartition theo- rem, 390 of composite systems, 174 correspondence principle, 203 crucial experiment on explanation of light emission, 423 effect of in gases, and emission process of indi- vidual atoms, 86 and electric resistivity at low temperatures, 172 emission process of light, 99, 851 five-dimensional, Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa on, 134 of hydrogen, AE and Grommer on, 146 of light, 98 limiting validity of classical mechanics, 461 and molecular theory, 464 origins of, 457 photoelectric effect, 459 of polyatomic molecules, 464 quantum orbits in, 424 quantization of non-harmonic oscillations, 291 quasi-period system, 460 restricted to mechanics, 476 selection rules, 92 and statistics, 99 Stern-Gerlach experiment, 441 Tetrode on, 476 transiton between states, in magnetic field, 442 Warburg’s work on photochemistry, 356 Quaternion theory Hamilton’s work on, unknown to Ehrenfest, 265 as theory of grand unification, Synge on, 303 Question Club, Shanghai, AE’s speech at, 858 Quidde, Ludwig, asks AE to solicit contributions to Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, 827a Quint, Heinz, on relativistic addition of veloci- ties, 797a Raban, Ze’ev, 577n Radioactivity, fluctuations of, 4 Radiometer effect, lxxiii Edith Einstein’s work on theory of, 159–161, 485, 488n Raghib al-Nashashibi, 578n Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 586n Rathenau, Mathilde (1845–1926) on AE and Walther Rathenau, 376 AE sends condolences, 374 Rathenau, Walther (1867–1922), xxxv, xlvii, lii, liv, 61, 161, 182, 376, 391n, 394, 494n AE on, 449–451 assassination of, li–lii, 392n, 402n, 415n, 416 AE on, 374, 384, 388 Anschütz on, 377 Borel on, 381 memorial ceremony for, AE proposes, 384– 385 Rathenau endowment for academy of workers in Palestine, proposed by Weiner, 812a AE on, 815a Ratnowsky, Simon (1884–1947), on Edith Ein- stein’s thesis, 159 Rayleigh, John William Strutt, Lord, 106 Reali School, Palestine, 717 Reality, physical, consists of spatio-temporal co- incidences, Ehrenfest on, 27–28 Réau, Ulysse-Raphaël, 575n Rebholz, Ludwig, 785a Recasens, Sebastiá, 586n Rechberg, Arnold (1879–1947), li, 591 on com- munity of German and French industries, 480–482, 504–505 Recouly, Raymond (1876–1950), 77n, 121n Red Sea, 535