I N D E X 9 6 5 matriculation, 786a AE helps, 788a, 792a, 793a Seillière, Ernest, lectures on occultism, 294 Seippel, Paul (1858–1926), 17 Selety, Franz (1893–1933?), xlv, 793a AE requests opinion on Selety 1922, 505 manuscript on cosmology of, 148 molecular-hierachical world of, AE on, 522– 525, 527 Sendai, 548 Civic Auditorium, AE lectures in, 548 Sendai University, offers temporary professor- ship to AE, 571n Sertillanges, Antonin-Gilbert, 577n Seym H. Amieta, on Spanish edition of Einstein 1916e, 796a Shanghai, 542, 554 YMHA, AE lectures at, 575n Sheikh Taher el Tabri, 582n Shibusawa, Motuji (1876–1975), 568n Shimonoseki, 552, 553 Shiozawa, Masasada, 570n Siemens & Halske, 792a, 816a, 825a Siemens-Schuckert-Werke, 825a Silent discharge, 802a Silver atoms, and Stern-Gerlach experiments, 441 Simmern, Juliane von (1910–?), 586n Simmern, Langwerth von (1865–1942), 587n Simmern-Rottenburg, Margarete von, 586n Simultaneity definition of and Strasser, 465 relativity of, 877 Sinclair, W. F., 580n Singapore, 555 Singer, Eduard, on AE’s financial help, 801a Singularities, 332 Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934), 289, 418n, 597n, 748 Sklarek, Francis, 265 Smoluchowski, Marian von (1872–1917), 11 Società Italiana delle Scienze, awards AE Mat- teucci gold medal, 810a, 812a Société française de chimie physique, invites AE to dinner, 201 Société française de philosophie, 182 AE, invited to lecture, 156, 197, 204, 794a AE proposes discussion, 204 discussion of relativity at, 228–250 special session of, 784a Société françaisede physique AE, invited to lecture, 186 AE lectures in (1913), 204 Sodium, vapor, spectral lines of, 424 Soehring, Otto (1877–?), 798a, 814a AE in- forms of itinerary in fall 1922, 280–281 Solar eclipse expedition of 1922, 803a AE is in- vited to participate in, 133, 201 Solf, Friedrich, lxiv Solf, Wilhelm (1862–1936), 552, 566n, 572n, 643, 814a farewell to AE, 651 Solomon, Flora, 577n Solomon, Harold, 577n Solovine, Maurice (1875–1958), 164, 186, 218, 200, 222, 255n, 271, 323, 415, 791a, 796a, 803a, 804, 804a, 808a, 810a, 813a, 821a, 823a AE on, 278 on French translations of AE’s papers, 284, 787a, 793a, 807a, 816a, 821a on success of AE’s Paris visit, 284 solicits book from AE, 80n, 787a foreword to Thirring 1923 from AE, 365n, 808a Solovine, Minnie (1856–1944), 416n Solvay Congress, 793a Solvay Institute of Physics, 138 Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951), xxxvii, 60, 131, 132n, 154n, 194, 402n, 460, 592n, 800a AE on his work on spectra, 92 on AE’s interview in Le Figaro, 76 on AE’s patriotic behavior, 76 Ehrenfest, debate on adiabatic hypothesis, 511, 512n, 301n explains spectral line combinations, 77 on internationalism, 76 on Lusitania affair, 76 on nature of light, 76–77 on rapacious politics of Entente, 76 Sommerfeld, Johanna (1874–1955), 94n Sorani, Aldo, 77n Sound propagation in gases, 34–36, 188 Warburg on mechanics of acoustics, 354 Space closed, 885 as solution to cosmological prob- lem, 639 concept of needs to be analyzed, 876 curvature of not included in 1911 argument for
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