8 1 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 340. To Friedrich Schmidt-Ott after 19 July 1922 Recommends “in no particular order” the following meritorious scientists for financial support: Walther Kossel, Max Volmer, James Franck, Walther Gerlach, Otto Stern. AL (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 9, Mappe Notemeinschaft). [92 404]. 341. Rafaele Contu to IE 20 July 1922 Attaches six copies of Italian edition of Einstein 1920j. Accepts conditions stipulated in Abs. 324. For the translations of further articles, requests exclusive rights for Italy and 15% of each copy sold. Would like to translate Einstein 1918k. TLS. [42 322]. Encloses a draft contract with Audace publishing house dated 1 July 1922, on publishing Einstein 1921c in Italian. AE would receive 4.50 lire for each copy sold. TD. [42 323]. 342. From Hedwig Kohn 20 July 1922 Schmidt & Haensch ask for a quick decision regarding the purchase of the spectrograph for 60,000 M, adding that some parts will be completed only when the purchase agree- ment is finalized. Any delay would increase the price. ALS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn). [77 817]. 343. From Wolfgang Ostwald 21 July 1922 Regrets AE’s refusal to participate as founding member in the new Kolloidgesellschaft and its inaugural meeting. Begs him to reconsider, given that other physicists such as Fe- lix Ehrenhaft, have agreed. Will send additional copies of Einstein 1922t. TLS. [18 498]. 344. IE to KWG (Keller) 22 July 1922 Encloses bank statement for 31 December 1921 to 31 March 1922. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13, Mappe Mendelssohn). [77 731]. 345. IE to Hedwig Kohn 22 July 1922 The board of directors granted the remaining amount of 43,000 M for the purchase of the quartz spectrograph. Schmidt & Haensch have been asked to reduce the price volun- tarily. No answer has been received yet, this being the reason why the board of trustees did not grant the sum until recently. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn). [77 818]. 346. From Wolfgang Ostwald 23 July 1922 Regrets AE’s decision not to sign appeal for the founding of a colloid society. TLS. [18 500]. 347. From Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap 23 July 1922 Attaches the diploma of foreign membership of the society. ALS. [30 156]. 348. To Chenzu Wei 24 July 1922 Acknowledges receipt of Doc. 305. He thinks he will be in Peking around the New Year. TLC. [36 488]. 349. From Auswärtiges Amt (Otto Soehring) 24 July 1922 Thanks for Doc. 165. Wilhelm Solf, the German ambassador in Tokyo, will spend his holidays in Berlin. Suggests that AE contact him. TLS. [43 149]. 350. To Auswärtiges Amt (Otto Soehring) 24 July 1922 He would avail himself of the opportunity only if there were objective reasons for mak- ing use of Solf’s time. Dft in IE’s hand on the verso of Abs. 349. [43 150].