C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 8 0 7 Haber endorses the request. TLS (GyBP., I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 6, Mappe Kallmann). [77 774]. 265. From Georg Kareski 3 June 1922 Received AE’s recommendation (Abs. 245) and met Alfred Loeser. Decision will take two to three months. TLS. [44 354]. 266. From Kultur-Film 3 June 1922 Upon AE’s request they will replace the studio title “Einstein-Film” of the film “Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie” with “Relativitäts-Film.” TLS. [43 950]. 267. From President of Istituto Lombardo 5 June 1922 Informs AE that he has been elected foreign corresponding member in the Section of Mathematical Sciences of the Class of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. TLS. [30 153]. 268. From Adolf von Harnack 6 June 1922 Assistants in the KWG institutes must be classified either as necessary for the mainte- nance of research, or as contributing to further developments individually or in collabo- ration with research associates. The former will be listed as employees in the budget, while the latter will be extra-budgetary and will be paid at the discretion of the directors. Foreigners may not be employed as assistants within the budget. TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 57 & 613). [77 193], [77 054]. 269. From KWG (Keller) 6 June 1922 Hedwig Kohn has been disbursed 7,000 M in grants, awarded on 18 May 1920 (Vol. 10, Calendar). TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn). [77 815]. 270. From Thorstein G. Wereide 7 June 1922 Asks whether he may write a book on AE and on his ideas, to be published by a Norwe- gian publisher in Norwegian-Danish and in Swedish whether AE considers Moszkows- ki’s book worthy of being used as a source and whether AE would help him with short notes and a brief conversation. ALS. [45 239]. 271. Nippon Yusen Kaisha to EE 8 June 1922 Offers two berthed cabins aboard the SS Kitano Maru that sails from Marseille to Japan on or about 7 October. Fare is £120, but will inquire about price reduction. TLC. [36 456]. 272. From Slowo (Boris Elkin) 8 June 1922 Acknowledges receipt of signed publication contract (Abs. 254) and sends stamped copy. TLS. [41 1040]. 273. From Chaim Weizmann 9 June 1922 Asks AE to contribute a chapter or introductory note to a book, The New Palestine, with several contributors, devoted to issues surrounding the new Palestine. Will probably con- tain an introduction by the prime minister of Great Britain. TLS. [33 357]. 274. From Methuen (Muller) 10 June 1922 On behalf of the translator George Jeffery, asks for a copy of the latest edition of Lorentz et al. 1922, which includes a short paper by Hermann Weyl. TLC. [67 984]. 275. From Maurice Solovine 11 June 1922 Thanks for entrusting him with the translation of Einstein 1905r and 1916f, and reports that the 15% royalty for AE is approved (Abs. 238). Is glad that AE has demanded a new