9 6 6 I N D E X light deflection, 809a physical properties of, 885 spherical, illustrated by beetle, 538 static curvatureof in Friedmann universe, 602 Spandau, AE vacation with sons, 158, 372, 402n, 431 Spandau district authority, on lease of property, 819a Spanish Academy of Sciences, elects AE corre- sponding member, 727–730, 829a Spanish Mathematical Society, elects AE honor- ary member, 562 Spatio-temporal coincidences, Ehrenfest on, 27– 28 Specific heat, of diamond and gaseous hydrogen, 444 Spectra explained by quantum theory, 140 infrared bands, 464 Röntgen, theory of, 140 shift of lines, 548 Spectral lines broadening of, 423, 551 combinations, Sommerfeld on, 77 laws of and quantum theory, 97 redshift in center and at limb of Sun, 109–110 Spectroscopic binaries, Doi on, 318, 811a Speyer, Carl (1877–1927), 492n on teaching at Hebrew University, 483, 492, 818a, 828a Spherically-symmetric solution, 667, 675, 711 Spiegel, David, 581n Spinoza, Baruch, 620 on psychophysical paral- lelism, 335 St. John, Charles (1857–1935), 143n, 210n, 329 visit to Europe, 209, 274, 277 Stampe, Carl, rooms with Einsteins, 749 Stark, Johannes, 98, 637 Stark effect, xxxix, 423 Epstein’s theory of, 460 Stars, Michelson on diameter of, 379 Statistical mechanics, 461 equipartition theorem, 390 ergodic hypothesis, 297n foundation of, AE on, 527–528 Zilsel on, 296– 297 Steinichen, 547 Stern, Otto (1888–1969), 441, 445n support, from KWIP, for research on magnetic proper- ties of Ag atoms, 802a, 813a from Notge- meinschaft, 814a Stern, Richard, 749 Stern, Siegfried, contributes to Einstein-Spende, 816a Stern-Gerlach experiment, xxxiv, xxxix–xl, 268, 440–444 AE on, 305, 315, 309–310 Breit on, 306 Ehrenfest on, 306–307 Haber on, 310 Sternthal, Friedrich (1889–1964), informs of threat on life of AE, 381 Steubing, Walter, requests KWIP funds for re- search on band spectra, 792a, 788a, 802a, 808a, 813a Stöcker, Helene (1869–1943), on international pacifist congress, 472, 497 Stockholm, 737, 742 Stodola, Aurel (1859–1942) on Einstein 1916n, 330, 361 on exchange of energy between radiation and matter, 330–331 Stokes law, 9, 15 Stolkind, Abram, 785a Storrs, Ronald, 576n, 578n Stöve, Hermann Wilhelm (1860–1931), 422n Stöve-Wiebols, Margaretha (1862–1941), 422n Strasser, Bruno (1879–1959), 465 Straubel, Constantin (1880–1937), 80 Ströbel, Heinrich (1869–1944), 54 Stromboli, 533, 562 Struck, Henriette, AE sends greetings to, 828a Struck, Hermann (1876–1944), lxviii, 560, 828a, 859 on AE’s resigning from Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 405, 426 Struck, Mally (1889–1964), 560, 580n Student Committee of the University of Zara- goza, collects money for German students, 830a Student deliberations in Munich, on AE’s visit, 76, 93, 131 Student organization, Heidelberg, requests polit- ical and financial help, 788a Students Association at University of Com- merce, Tokyo, welcomes AE, 824a Students of Tokyo Imperial University, welcome AE, 824a Students of University of Kyoto, welcome AE, 824a Stumpf, Felix (1885–?), 725 problems with abil-