I N D E X 1 0 4 3 light, nature of emission of experiment on, doubts, 508 on AE’s lecture on, 523–524, 561 on Rupp’s experiment on, 524 Reichenbach, on finding position for, 245, 502 Lauterpacht, Hersch (1897–1960), 38n, 873a Lazarev, Pëtr, on AE being elected honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 943a AE thanks, 945a Lazarus, Paul (1873–1957), on publication of handbook on radiation biology, 675n, 946a League against Terror in Romania, sympathy statement for, 932a, 935a League of Nations, lxviii, 889a AE’s notes on, 915a council of, on changes in membership of ICIC, 927a educational systems in, Lugones on reform of, 113n Germany’s entrance in, AE on, 66 Laue not satisfied with, 524 Lebach, Willibald (Willy) (1873–1962), 582n Lebach-Bachwitz, Margarete (Grete) (1885– 1938), 582n, 591 Lebedev, Piotr, on geomagnetism, l Lecat, Maurice (1884–1951), Piccard’s opinion on, 878a Lederer, Emil, 877a Lehman, Irving (1876–1945), 629 Lehmann-Russbüldt, Otto (1874–1963), lxviii, 46, 272, 511n, 875a asks AE to sign survey, AE refuses, 46 solicits nomination of Kessler for Peace Nobel Prize, 902a solicits opinion on expanding amnesty and on memorandum on conditions in Bulgaria, 872a Leibniz Medal gold, for Whitney, AE recommends, 903a silver for Berliner, AE recommends, 950a for Meitner, AE recommends, 869a for Seemann, AE recommends, 904a Leibniz, Gottfried, 784 Leidsch Universiteits-Fonds (Wensink, A.), on renewal of AE’s special professorship at Uni- versity of Leyden, 950a Leiferde train massacre, lxxii, 462, 746, 747n, Lenard, Philipp (1862–1947), 148n, 427n, 437, 480n, 514, 973 on AE, hates, 403, 511 on aberration, 321 experiment on emission of light by, lxxiv, 470 opposes relativity, lxvi Rupp on, 928a Lenz, Wilhelm (1888–1957), on internal pres- sure of gravitation, 608–609, 630–631 Léon, Paul, 904a L’Europe Nouvelle, 899a honorarium for Ein- stein 1926f, 907a Levi, Israel, 897a Levi, Sylvian, 897a Levi-Civita, Tullio, xliv, 872a, 944a Levin, Julius, on construction of violins and school in Palestine, 886a, 887a Leviné, Eugen, xciv Levine, Isaac, 916a Levy, Arthur. See Liebert, Arthur Levy, Herbert, 651 on water and water vapor, 942a Levy, Louis G., 897a Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 960a, AE recommends Rosenzweig to, 955a Lewin, Gerszon, thanks for intervention at American Joint Distribution Committee, 895a Lewin, Louis (1856–1929), 103 Zangger may consult, 957a Lewis, Gilbert (1875–1946), 540n criticizes Einstein 1916n, 539 AE rejects, 565–566 on Einstein 1912f, 619 light, on nature of, 540 AE on, 564–565 on radiation of energy, 618n–619n recommends Williams, 539 on reversibility of every elementary process, 539, 618 AE on, 565 sends Lewis 1926b and 1926c, 619n, 540 Lewisohn, Ludwig, 737n Lewitin, S. A., 884a, 894a Liapchev, Andrei, 741n Lichnowsky, Mechthilde, 332n Lichtenecker, Karl, 817n Liebermann, Max, 146n
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