9 0 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 298. To the PAW Berlin, 3 February 1926 Cosigns Laue’s proposal to award a silver Leibniz Medal to H. Seemann. TLS (GyBAW, II–X–6, Bl. 122). [95 634]. 299. From Esther Lowe Gordon Paris, [4 February 1926] In response to AE’s (nonextant) letter inquiring about the proposed project, explains that she desires his patronage in organizing summer student camps similar to those in the United States where students from all over the world get to know each other better. The first camp will be in Fontainebleau. The national committee includes Edouard Daladier, Paul Lapie, Paul Léon, Julien Luchaire, Prof. Lauson, Alphonse Aulard, Leon Jouhaux, Avril de Sainte Croix, and Mlle. [Arnieux?]. At an international level, Edouard Herriot, Edvard Beneš, [Stjepan?] Radiþ, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Antonio Cippico, Yáñez, Elena Văcă-rescu, Henni Forchhammer, and Hélène Claparède-Spir have agreed. AE would represent not only Germany but the quintessence of internationality of intellect. ALS. [43 790]. 300. From George J. Burns Los Angeles, 5 February 1926 Offers to enter on AE’s side in a wager against Miller. Encloses an essay on “Ether drift.” TLS. [17 270]. See Doc. 161. 301. From Max Schloessinger The Hague, 5 February 1926 Wishes to visit AE in Berlin to discuss matters of the Kuratorium/BOGHU of the He- brew University. They could also meet in the Netherlands if AE visits. TLS. [44 953]. “Erledigt 6. 2. 26 Jacoby” is written in the upper right-hand corner. 302. To Paul Painlevé [Berlin, 6 February 1926] At the last session, he was elected to Conseil d’administration of the IIIC, at the same time as Alfredo Rocco. Since he will be unable to attend the sessions regularly, requests that he be represented by Langevin. ALSX. [34 816]. 303. From Marie Curie Paris, 6 February 1926 Paul Langevin has sent her the letter that AE had written to Langevin, in which he asked whether Langevin or M. Curie could replace AE on the leadership of the IIIC. Suggests that AE choose Langevin, and that he communicate his wishes directly to H. A. Lorentz. É. Borel is replacing P. Painlevé. It would be good if they were to find some time to dis- cuss physics quietly, maybe in Geneva, or to vacation together with Langevin in some quiet corner of France, as AE had suggested in his letter to Langevin. ALS. [34 815]. 304. From Friedländer (Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft) Vienna, 6 February 1926 Requests AE’s intervention with the Joint Distribution Committee in behalf of more than 1,400 Eastern European Jewish immigrant students in Italy and more than 3,000 in France, most of whom live in poverty. Their dire situation also influences the attitude of the non-Jewish population toward the students. $7,500 is needed to alleviate their situ- ation, since funds from local Jewish communities are not sufficient. TLS. [44 073]. 305. From Chang Peh Chung Berlin-Charlottenburg, 7 February 1926 On behalf of the Sektion der Kuo Min Tang in Germany, encloses a letter sent to all members of Reichstag a day earlier. TLS. [44 238]. 306. From Paul Oppenheim Frankfurt a. M., 8 February 1926 Hopes AE has received his letter of 14 December (see Abs. 221), the third part of his book, and the two books by Richard Wilhelm. Has received happy news that his book will be published by Gustav Fischer in Jena, and requests any comments. Inquires
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