8 7 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 17. From Schweizerische Landesbibliothek Bern, 24 June 1925 Thanks for the donation of reprints (see Vol. 14, Doc. 253), and inquires about the pub- lication data of Einstein 1922k. TLS. [45 029]. 18. From George F. Kunz New York City, 25 June 1925 Requests a letter regarding the origin of chemical elements and the possibility of their affecting relativity for a planned Collection of Elements for the American Museum of Natural History. TLS. [44 230]. 19. To Unknown Berlin, 26 June 1925 Was unable to understand arguments presented, and refers the author to T. Levi-Civita, Marcolongo, or Langevin. Does not believe an error is possible. PL. Kirsten and Treder 1979a, p. 145, note 1. 20. From Unknown Berlin, 26 June 1925 An admiring letter from an anonymous observer of AE. Is in the process of traveling back to see his old mother in Russia but hopes to return and see AE again. ALS. [43 004]. 21. From Julius Schaxel Jena, 28 June 1925 Regarding Emil Gumbel (see Abs. 15), has contacted the embassies in Berlin and Mos- cow, and requests permission to make use of AE’s recommendation. The discussions so far have only involved permission to spend time in Moscow, and not to be employed there. TLS. [43 812]. 22. From Juliusz Wolfsohn Vienna, 28 June 1925 After having sent his book of paraphrases, the first of which was dedicated to AE, re- quests opinion and autographed photograph. TLS. [45 282]. 23. From M. Brockmann Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary), 29 June 1925 Confirms receipt of AE’s letter of 26 June with the recommendation for Emil Gumbel (see Abs. 15). Will make every effort to obtain employment for Gumbel at his university. ALS. [43 813]. 24. From Chaim Weizmann [?,] 29 June 1925 Recommends the journalist Norman Hapgood from New York, and old friend, to AE’s attention. Hapgood has shown his great sympathy with and understanding of the Jewish problem and the Zionist movement. TLSX. [71 131]. 25. To R. Piper Verlag Berlin, 30 June 1925 Thanks for Neumann 1923 on Buddha’s writings. Although he has read through them with interest, has concluded that he cannot express himself on the literary value of the translation. ALS. [123 034]. 26. From Harm Kamerlingh Onnes Oegstgeest/Leyden, 30 June 1925 Informs of the death of his father, Menso Kamerlingh Onnes, brother of Heike Kamer- lingh Onnes. Recalls his father’s pleasure at playing music with AE. AKS. [82 639]. 27. To Emil Gumbel Berlin, 1 July 1925 In reply to Abs. 15, informs that he has written to both gentlemen and has received fa- vorable replies from both of them (Abs. 21 and Abs. 23). AKS. [79 926]. 28. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte (Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt) Berlin, 1 July 1925 Requests opinion from members of the board regarding the following: Should one pro- pose to the Reichstag that the minister of justice expand the announced amnesty in the