9 0 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 280. From Deutsche Buch-Einkaufs-Gemeinschaft Berlin, 25 January 1926 Reminds AE of its request of 23 December 1925 for opinion on its program to be an um- brella organization of book trade and by this means to lower book prices, and encloses copies of letters received. TLS. [43 371]. 281. From Arthur J. Kraus Berlin-Grunewald, 25 January 1926 As requested, sends his report on his student years and the blind hounding of Eastern Europe Jews. Feels extremely fortunate to have had personal contact with AE. ALS. [44 212]. 282. From Union nationale des Associations d’Étudiants de France Paris, 25 January 1926 Invites AE to speak at a conference on 28 January in Bordeaux, where Painlevé, Luchaire, Zimmern, Halecki, Oprescu, and Slavik will attend, and express desire to have a letter in case he cannot attend (see Abs. 276). TLS. [43 658]. 283. From Adriaan Fokker Delft, 26 January 1926 The editors of Physica wish to publish the speeches that were delivered on 11 December, and they request AE’s text. The Lorentz Fund was inaugurated on 12 January with a cap- ital of 140,000 guilders and 680 guilders annual income. It received 31,700 guilders from abroad. ALS. [11 040]. 284. From Mlle. Héon Coutainville Plage Manche, 26 January 1926 Requests AE’s assistance in using her skills in the laying on of hands to revive the dead doctor Henlin of Paris, poisoned in St. Lô and return him alive to his older sister Mme Dussaux, widow of the mayor of St. Lô. J. Sauerwein can provide information on the facts. ALS. [43 890]. 285. From Wolfgang Ostwald Leipzig, 26 January 1926 Encloses some considerations for AE’s comment. Explores possibility of generalizing W. Weber’s approach to all charge differences, that is, charges of the same sign but dif- ferent sizes, as well as to different motions. One could possibly thereby find the equilib- rium conditions for homopolar lattices. Would like to expand this to an electrodynamic understanding of gravitation and astronomy in light of recent work by A. Eddington, K. Bottlinger, and J. Weber on the companion star of Sirius. TLS. [18 501]. 286. From Robert Emden Munich, 28 January 1926 AE had apparently overlooked the fact that the two sentences quoted in Doc. 181 from Emden 1926 were meant to summarize a common reasoning by opponents of relativity and that the goal of his paper was to show this reasoning to be incorrect. ALSX. [21 353]. 287. From Ernst Bräuer Berlin-Grunewald, 29 January 1926 Hopes AE remembers him from the prewar Rubens physics colloquium. Summarizes the development of conceptions of the ether since Leibniz. Current physical theories lead to a mathematical, empty space, devoid of physical forces and fields. This new con- ception can be subsumed as pure “law” of nature. The only “substance” that fills this space is human thought. Requests AE’s opinion. TLS. [6 169]. 288. From Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt Berlin, 29 January 1926 Had already informed AE in December, through AE’s wife, that he intends to nominate Count Harry Kessler for the Nobel Prize for Peace. After discussions with Hellmut von Gerlach and Freymuth, H. Ströbel sent in the attached proposal by the deadline of 1 Feb- ruary. Asks whether AE is willing to sign as well. TLS. [44 332].