D O C U M E N T 4 7 1 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 7 7 3 7 Published in The Humanist 4, no. 4 (1 April 1927): 173. Also published in transition 1 (April 1927): 156–158 under the title “Stop, Thief!.” The text of the protest had already been published in the New York Times in February 1927 without a full list of signatories. Those that were mentioned did not in- clude Einstein (see New York Times, 18 February 1927, p. 21). A TTr with minor textual variations, dated “Paris, December 1926” [44 038], which Sylvia Beach had forwarded to Einstein (see Doc. 439), is also available. [1]The first edition of Joyce’s Ulysses was published in serialization in Ezra Pound’s journal Little Review from 1918 to 1921 but had to be halted owing to obscenity charges. Indeed, in early 1921, the editors of Little Review were found guilty of publishing obscenity by a court in New York and fined fifty dollars each. The first complete edition of Joyce 1922, with a print run of 1,000 copies, had been published in Paris by Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare and Company and printed by Darantière in Dijon on 2 February 1922. According to Joyce, almost half of the pages in the complete edition differed from the serialized version (see Kugel 1992, pp. 243–244 and Spoo 2013, pp. 156 and 159–160). Roth (1894–1974) was a Galician-born American-Jewish poet, translator, and publisher. Even though Joyce had refused to grant him permission to publish his work, Roth published an unautho- rized and bowdlerized version of Joyce 1922 in his journal Two Worlds Monthly from July 1926 to October 1927. This version was only a partial one, as it only extended to episode 14, which roughly covered half of the book (see Spoo 2013, pp. 174 and 182). By August 1926, Joyce had learned of the unauthorized serialization by Roth. He was particularly alarmed by omissions, expurgations, and printing errors in Roth’s version. The protest was originally drafted by Beach and revised by Ludwig Lewisohn and Archibald Macleish (see Spoo 2013, pp. 182– 183 and 185–187). Beach had asked Einstein to sign the protest in December 1926 (see Doc. 439). [2]Neither Joyce nor Beach had sought copyright protection in the United States within the required four months following the initial publication in France. Because of the failure to obtain such protec- tion, Joyce 1922 lay in the American public domain by April 1922 (see Spoo 2013, pp. 161 and 177). [3]The protest was signed by over 160 international authors and intellectuals. It was sent to hun- dreds of American newspapers and magazines to coincide with Joyce’s birthday on 2 February 1927 (see Spoo 2013, p. 188). 471. From Henri Barbusse[1] Miramar par Théoule, 2 février 1927. Cher, et éminent, confrère, Permettez-moi de joindre un appel personnel à celui que vous trouverez ci-in- clus et auquel je vous demande de bien vouloir adhérer.[2] Votre nom est de ceux qui s'imposent dans une ligue de grands honnêtes gens qui se lèveraient pour en- rayer et combattre l'envahissante barbarie du fascisme. J'ai rédigé cet appel spontanément, sans obéir à aucune suggestion d'ordre poli- tique ou autre. Je n'ai écouté que le sentiment de la solidarité et la voix du bon sens: le mal n'est pas sans remède, il y a «quelque chose à faire», et ce qu'on peut faire surtout et avant tout devant les proportions effrayantes qu’a prises le fascisme, c'est de dresser une force morale, de mobiliser la vraie conscience publique, et de donner une voix explicite à une réprobation qui est répandue partout. Je dois ajouter que, sur la teneur de cet appel, j'ai échangé des vues avec Romain Rolland, qui est de tout coeur avec moi,[3] et qui estime comme moi qu'une levée