D O C . 411 TO T E J E W S OF A M E R I C A 629 Thursday, Nov. 18, 1926. JEWIS DAILY B LLETIN ALBERT EINSTEIN ISS ES A EAL TO JEWS OF AMERICA FOR NITY “Strength for alestine Lies in Your ands Big Four Meet to Discuss Jewish Agency Form ation W eizmann Statement in Boston E pected to Clarify Situation (Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service) Berlin, Nov. 10.—A plea for unity in American Jewry and a joining of forces for the upbuilding of alestine was issued by rofessor Albert Ein stein, in a statement accompanying his interview today with the representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here. Einstein’s appeal read this meeting was of a preliminary nature, it is said that definite proposals were discussed which will be the basis for action in the near future leading to a combined effort of American ion ists and non- ionists to cope with the task facing the Jews in alestine.meeting The participants in this vdt, Q u o X j A M . * *’* * ■ - , a Ca -AW - # Z ■ n ( i ■ Z A A 1 i , . — ■ C v a T C— —— — a V A —I a a a A V — - A m ' I1* ' -----i I I , j ) , V t i / * * * * * * I* * - * * ------, t 7 * * ** - * - * « ■ » » » -* • * -« * » y . . , ' Facsimile of rof. Einstein's Letter to American Jewry “To the Jews of America “Do not think of political strife, but remember that the Jewish name must be held high. The huge immigration to alestine, caused by the economic and political measures of the olish government, should not be allowed to lead to the distress of all living in alestine, but should be made to strengthen our colonization work there. “This lies in your hands. Act ac cordingly. (Signed) A. Einstein. The sentiments e pressed by the great scientist in his appeal to the Jews of America seem to be nearer realization now. The “Jewish Daily Bulletin learns from reliable sources that a meeting of the Big Four, Louis Marshall, Feli M. Warburg, Judge Irving Lehman and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, was held during the week-end at which plans for completing the formation of the Jew ish Agency to include American non- ionists were considered. Although have been disinclined to comment on the outcome of the discussion. The “Jewish Daily Bulletin learns, how ever, that a statement touching this phase of the development may be made by Dr. Weizmann in his address before the national conference on al estine, called by the nited alestine Appeal, which will take place this Sun day at the Copley laza otel in Boston. P P P Good possibilities for oil in ales tine were described by F. Julius Fohs, chief geologist of the umphreys Cor poration and Chairman of the etro leum Division of the American Insti tute of Mining and Metallurgical En gineers, who addressed the meeting of the American Association of etro leum Geologists on Tuesday. is sub ject was “The Geology and Oil and Gas ossibilities of alestine and the Sinaitic eninsula. “Of a total of 12,700 s uare miles in alestine proper, more than three hun dred s uare miles offer structural con ditions warranting testing for oil and gas, he said. “The Sinaitic enin sula also o ffers possibilities, although there is little possibility of oil in West ern Transjordania. With ample re- they were based upon the rotocols of the Wise Men of ion, they were based [5] [1] [2] [3] [4]