C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 7 3 sense of the proposal drafted by the Saxon Social Democrats on 24 February 1925 (at- tached). Regarding the memorandum on the conditions in Bulgaria, attaches an invita- tion from Hans Schwann. TLC. [44 314]. 29. From Heinrich Fischer Berlin, 3 July 1925 As editor of the Literarische Welt, requests that AE meet with the writer Jawitz, who in- tends to carry out some research for a this new weekly journal on literary news, whose publisher is Willy Haas. TLS. [44 352]. 30. From Leon Steinig Vienna, 3 July 1925 In his letter of 20 May 1925, he had informed that Herbert Bentwich, London, intends to donate to the Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft a plot of land on Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, provided that a Jewish student house be built there within five years, and that construction be started no later than eighteen months after the completion of the donation agreement, which should be prepared by AE, Chaim N. Bialik, Hirsch P. Chajes, Dr. Schmetterling, Dr. Lauterpacht, and Steinig. Solomon Jacobi would con- vey the signed document to London. TLS. [44 068]. 31. From Fritz von Unruh Oranien, bei Diez an der Lahn, 3 July 1925 Requests AE’s support for the new youth theater “Hartung.” ALS. [34 266]. 32. From Richard B. Haldane London, 5 July1925 Thanks for AE’s letter of congratulation on the one hundredth birthday of his mother Mary Elizabeth Burdon-Sanderson Haldane, which he received while in Scotland. His mother has died. He fondly remembers AE’s visit to London in 1921. ALS. [32 653]. 33. From Adolf Smekal Vienna, 5 July 1925 As a follow-up of earlier exchanges (see Vol. 14, Doc. 434), sends a note to be published in Zeitschrift für Physik on intermolecular exchanges, including an idea on resonance. Believes the second part of the paper addresses implications of AE’s 1916/17 consider- ations that neither Ehrenfest nor Pauli were acquainted with. TLS. [44 909]. 34. To Wilhelm H. Westphal Potsdam, 7 July 1925 On behalf of the Einstein-Stiftung, Freundlich proposes that Max Fischer, first manag- ing director of the Carl Zeiss Company, join the board as a representative of the Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie, as a replacement for Rudolf Schneider. A sec- ond seat on the board has become vacant through the death of Gustav Müller. AE en- dorses proposal and sends best wishes for the summer vacation. TLS. [71 110]. 35. From Stenographen-Verband Berlin, 7 July 1925 As a follow-up to its inquiry of 11 June 1925, invites to membership in the organization’s honorary committee, to be inaugurated during its stenography conference of 7–10 August in Hanover. A note in Ilse Kayser’s hand indicates a negative reply. TLS. [45 062]. 36. From Unknown Berlin, 10 July 1925 A letter from an unknown admirer, who has seen AE but did not dare approach him, ex- pressing the urge to write and speak to AE. ALS. [43 006]. 37. From Wiener Morgenzeitung Vienna, 10 July 1925 As the leading Zionist daily newspaper in Central Europe, it intends to produce a special issue on the occasion of the 14th Zionist Congress in Vienna, and solicits a contribution. TLS. [45 254].