D O C U M E N T 5 8 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 5 1 1 3 Bedeutung der französischen Geistesarbeit sein sollte. England und Nordamerika sind sehr gut aber nicht stark genug vertreten.[10] Wie dem aber auch sei, man muss den Keim internationaler Verständigung und Zusammenarbeit zu pflegen und zu stärken suchen. H. A. Lorentz ist es leider in Brüssel nicht gelungen, die Zulassung der Deutschen zu den internationalen Veranstaltungen durchzusetzen, welcher Misserfolg natürlich wieder eine Stärkung der chauvinistischen Stimmung unter den hiesigen Gelehrten mit sich bringt.[11] Merkwürdigerweise sind in Europa die Politiker und Geschäftsleute liberaler denkend als die Gelehrten man kann nicht umhin, dies als ein Symptom von Decadence anzusehen. In Amerika scheint dies ganz anders und erheblich besser zu sein.[12] Mit nochmaligem herzlichem Dank grüsst Sie herzlich Ihr A. Einstein ALS (CaPsCA, Robert A. Millikan Papers, box 39, folder 7). [17 358]. [1]There is a hand-written notation in the top right-hand corner, most likely by Arthur A. Noyes: “Dr. Millikan, Thank you for showing me the extremely interesting letter. A.A.N.” [2]See Doc. 32 for Millikan’s latest invitation to Caltech. [3]In Doc. 31, Paul Epstein mentioned that they intended to repeat Miller’s experiment. [4]For a similar careful phrasing, see Doc. 49. [5]From his measurements in a basement in Cleveland and at Mount Wilson, Dayton Miller had claimed the existence of an ether drag that decreased with altitude (see Doc. 12 for more details and Doc. 13 for Einstein’s first public response to Miller’s work). [6]Albert A. Michelson, who had performed the original experiments upon which Miller’s were based. [7]See Einstein 1925t (Doc. 17). [8]The sixth session of the ICIC had been held in Geneva between 27 and 30 July. Under the title “The Reform of Education,” the committee discussed a proposal by its Argentinian member Leopoldo Lugones for reforms in the educational systems of the League’s member states on 29 July. The most important proposals were the following: reforming the teaching of history, so that it aims to present “a general view of the progress of civilisation” rather than “merely a narrative of the history of each country” reforming geography in a similar fashion emphasizing the importance of mathematical studies “as likely to encourage a rational conception of honour” advancing the teaching of the clas- sics and music reforming the teaching of political economy “to show that all nations were mutually dependent and complementary and that they were pursuing the same ends” (see League 1925b, p. 19). [9]The French members of the ICIC were its chairman, Henri Bergson, and Marie Curie. Jean Luchaire (1876–1962), the French novelist and playwright, had been present at the meeting as an expert (see League 1925b, pp. 2–3). [10]The sole British member was vice-chairman Gilbert Murray the only American member was Millikan (see League 1925b, p. 2). [11]In October 1918, the first Interallied Conference of Scientific Academies in London had banned German and Austrian scientists from all international scientific associations. At the third assembly of the Conseil international de recherches in Brussels in July 1925, Lorentz had proposed the annulment of the boycott on behalf of the Dutch, Danish, and Norwegian delegations. However, the proposal did not achieve the required two-thirds majority. Nevertheless, in the following months opposition to the exclusion weakened: the threat of the demise of the Conseil international de recherches led to a more conciliatory stance. In October 1925, its executive committee met in Paris and decided to convene an extraordinary general assembly to discuss the admittance of the Central Powers (see Schröder- Gudehus 1966, pp. 90–92 and 242–248).