8 8 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 136. From Thomas C. Hodson London, 12 October 1925 Has learned from his Cambridge friend Claude W. Guillebaud that AE has agreed to write the two articles on “Time” and “Space” for the Encyclopædia Britannica (see Abs. 91) and expresses the thanks of the management. Hopes to receive them before 1 January 1926. The honorarium will be £50. Attaches some instructions. The publisher will send a typed English translation for corrections. TLS. [1 073]. 137. From Julius Levin Berlin, 12 October 1925 Does not wish to engage AE in a polemic about the construction of violins, as was done by Otto Moeckel (see Vol. 14, correspondence with Richard Meißner). Inquires whether one could envisage the founding of a violin builders’ school in Palestine to which he could convey his mathematical and chemical knowledge in case he is unable to succeed in Germany in his plans soon, since he is almost sixty-four years old. ALS. [44 291]. 138. From Musik-Blatt of Vossische Zeitung (Lothar Spitz) Berlin, 12 October 1925 Reiterates request for a contribution to the special issue of the entertainment section of the Vossische Zeitung dedicated to Johann Strauss. TLS. [45 189]. 139. From Otto Toeplitz Kiel, 12 October 1925 Recommends to AE’s attention a student of medicine, Reith, who has recently found something significant concerning the relativistic foundations of quantum theory, and wishes to travel to Berlin to meet with AE. Reith has studied mathematics and has worked with Kossel. TLS. [45 121]. 140. From Chaim Weizmann London, 12 October 1925 Will be in Berlin on 21–25 October and hopes to meet AE alone to discuss the Hebrew University and other important matters. Kurt Blumenfeld, who has been in London, will make the arrangements. TLS. [33 379]. 141. From Robert Eisler Feldafing, 13 October 1925 Informs of the great satisfaction of having been elected, upon AE’s recommendation, to serve as adjunct chief of university section of the IIIC, and will strive to work effec- tively, although he expects difficulties, especially from the German side. Attaches a report he has submitted at the Erlangen meeting (probably the fourth Neutestamentler- tagung zu Erlangen, 29 and 30 September 1925, jointly held with the fifty-fifth confer- ence of philologists). Offers to send his latest book on the Orphic mysteries. ALS. [43 613]. 142. To Julius Levin [Berlin,] 14 October 1925 In reply to Abs. 137, AE does not remember having received a letter with construction details. Cannot estimate the prospects for opening a violin builders’ school in Palestine, which would depend on sales potential. If Levin has indeed found a teachable principle of construction, such a plan might be considered. ALS. [79 705]. 143. From Max Benda Berlin, 14 October 1925 Given AE’s membership in the ICIC, recommends an (unnamed) lady from a good fam- ily, cultured and intelligent, with excellent knowledge of languages and stenography, who does not expect compensation, for work in international service. ALS. [43 231]. 144. From Julien Luchaire Paris, 14 October 1925 Informs of Eisler’s appointment (see Abs. 141) at the last meeting of the IIIC on 9–10 October. TLS. [43 614].