3 8 V O L . 1 4 , 4 7 7 a A P H O R I S M Published in Jüdische Akademische Tribüne (April/May 1925): 3–4. [1]Dated by the inauguration of the Hebrew University on 1 April 1925 (see footnote marked with an asterisk in the document). [2]Einstein had agreed to serve as president of the World Union of Jewish Students (see Leon Steinig to Einstein, 17 November 1924 [Vol. 14, Abs. 518]). [3]Hersch Lauterpacht (1897–1960). For his account of his attendance at the inauguration of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, see Lauterpacht 1975, p. 159. [4]For Einstein’s previously expressed support for the Hebrew University being initially primarily a research institution, see Einstein to Chaim Weizmann, 2 March 1925 (Vol. 14, Doc. 451). [5]For Einstein’s views on the plight of young Jewish academics, see “Anti-Semitism and Aca- demic Youth,” after 15 July 1923 (Vol. 14, Doc. 80). Vol. 14, 477a. Aphorism [Montevideo, between 24 April and 1 May 1925][1] Dank sei dem Schicksal, dass dies nicht das einzige Mal ist, dass es mich zum Leithammel auserkoren hat. Albert Einstein. Montevideo 1925. ADSP (Kenneth W. Rendell Inc. auction catalog 192, lot no. 46). [81 207]. [1]Einstein visited Montevideo from 24 April to 1 May 1925 (see South American Travel Diary Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, 5 March–11 May 1925 [Vol.14, Doc. 455]).