C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 8 7 145. To Ida Hurwitz [Berlin, 15 October 1925] Would like to visit her the next day at 4 P.M. with Hans Albert. AKSX. [38 124]. 146. From Deutscher Verband zur Förderung der Universität Jerusalem (Julius Citron) Berlin, 15 October 1925 On the initiative of the London university committee, the Verband was recently formed. [Leo] Baeck, Prof. [Neuberg, Carl?], justice councilor Julius Magnus and himself are in the management. Request that AE, as an early proponent of the university idea, partici- pate in their work, and asks for a personal meeting, preferably in the evening or on a Sunday. ALS. [36 899]. 147. From Paul Harzer Sternwarte Kiel, 16 October 1925 Proposes a general equation for the line element containing an arbitrary function. Two constants lead to the Schwarzschild solution. Objects to one of these assumptions. TLS. [25 105]. 148. To Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co. [Berlin,] 17 October 1925 With reference to the firm’s letter of 6 October (see Abs. 127), requests that the available sum on the account of Mileva be invested in the 8% Brazilian government bonds. ALS. [144 399]. 149. From Paul Harzer Sternwarte Kiel, 17 October 1925 As a follow-up to Abs. 147, comments on the same topic in more detail. TLS. [25 106]. 150. From Joe Strauss-Collin Frankfurt a. M., 17 October 1925 In reply to AE’s card of 14 October, regrets having importuned him (see Abs. 135), and requests the return of his peace prize essay. TKS. [45 087] 151. From Felix Reich Weißensee, 18 October 1925 Informs AE that the deaf-mute student Wladislaw Zeitlin, with whom he had visited AE a year and a quarter ago, and who has completed his Matura exam at the Weißensee Reform-Realgymnasium with the highest grade ever attained at that institution, wishes to study physics. Thanks for AE’s assistance. TLS. [45 318]. (See also a letter from Reich to Adolf von Harnack, 31 December 1924, in which he mentions that AE has shown interest in Zeitlin’s work on a television project, for which he also attaches a pat- ent document, and requests assistance with experimental apparatus. TLS. [77 744]). 152. From Julius Levin Berlin, 19 October 1925 Thanks for the kind reception and AE’s interest in his violin construction projects. The previous day ended well, since Adolf Busch, who played his Stradivarius, gave his own violins warm compliments. Recommends F. Savart’s research on musical instruments. Savart’s trapezoidal violin did not go far, but his investigations reach beyond those of Ernst Chladni. ALS. [44 292]. 153. To Harald Isenstein Berlin, 20 October 1925 Is willing to sit for a bust, if possible at the Reimann school. ALS. [74 280]. 154. From Internationale Arbeiterhilfe, Zentralkomitee (Willy Münzenberg) Berlin, 21 October 1925 Encloses a brochure on “The Capitalist Hell in China” produced by the committee, and a second one produced by the organization of Chinese students in Germany, which ap- peared in the Neuer Deutscher Verlag. TLS. [43 957].