9 4 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 671. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 11 December 1926 Thanks for the 1,200 M awarded for the employment of an assistant (see Abs. 658). TLS. [71 324]. 672. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft [Berlin, 11 December 1926] Signed receipt for 1,200 M received for carrying out research on the relation of the the- ory of relativity to the structure of the atom during the period 1 December 1926 to 1 May 1927. PDS. [71 320]. 673. From Heinrich Zangger [Berlin, before 11 December 1926] Has been unable to examine R. Kayser (see Abs. 650) yet, is busy with visits to minis- tries and police. Is traveling to Zurich on Monday, will be back after New Year’s. The colleague who sat in front of AE at the Wednesday colloquium was Walter Friedrich. ALS. Schulmann 2012, pp. 436–437. [40 051]. 674. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 11 December 1926] Encloses letter by Vero Besso written in support of his father, Michele Besso. Requests its return. The letter could help AE when writing his recommendation to the Patent Of- fice in Bern. Opposition to Zangger’s appointment in Berlin is growing. ALS. Schul- mann 2012, pp. 438–439. [40 046]. 675. Statement for Louis Marshall’s Seventieth Birthday [Berlin, 13 December 1926] In reply to Abs. 667, AE sends the following: “I greet you and your blessed work for the Jewish people. I think of you on this day with cordial sympathy and extend my best wishes.” Jewish Daily Bulletin, 14 December 1926, p. 1. [95 650]. 676. To Tullio Levi-Civita Berlin, [14 December 1926] Asks that he read the paper he sent and hopes it meets with approval. AKS. [16 261]. 677. From Hedwig Born [Göttingen,] 14 December 1926 Sends the last three acts of her play. Is taking art history classes. Has heard from Margot Einstein that Elsa Einstein is ill. ALS. [8 268]. Einstein and Born 1969, pp. 130–131. 678. From Alfred Apfel Berlin, 15 December 1926 Reminding of their conversation at Oskar Wassermann’s, encloses the appeal of 12 No- vember by the Communist leader Max Hoelz against his life sentence on alleged murder charges. In his capacity as Hoelz’s lawyer, requests that AE join efforts in Hoelz’s behalf and the committee already established to which belong H. Mann, K. Kollwitz, K. Tucholsky, E. Piscator, and others. Hopes to see him the next day at the inauguration of the Pro-Palestine committee at the Kaiserhof. TLS. [46 702]. 679. From Fraenckelsche Stiftung Breslau [Wrocáaw], 15 December 1926 Hearing that the IIIC has established a consortium of libraries for information exchange, informs that its Jewish Theological Seminar in Breslau disposes of a 30,000-volume col- lection of manuscripts and books donated by Dr. Rabin and is ready to participate in the work of the consortium. TLS. [46 273]. 680. From Max von Laue Berlin, 15 December 1926 Informs members of the Direktorium of the KWIP that he received application of [Hein- rich] Ott for 1,000 M for the purchase of an X-ray spectrograph for work in crystallog- raphy. The funds are available, and Laue requests a written vote. TLS. [40 165]. 681. To Fraenckelsche Stiftung [Berlin, after 15 December 1926] In reply to Abs. 679, recommends the foundation address itself directly to the scientific section of the IIIC. ADftS. [46 274].
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