6 6 6 I N D E X
Fueter, Rudolf (1880–1950), 383n
Fulda, Ludwig, 122n
“Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina.” See
Furtwängler, Philipp (1869–1940), 400
Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 214, 314, 606c
Gans, Richard M. (1880–1954), 74
Gas viscosity, Wildhagen on, 122–123
Gattiker, Johannes, 5
Gauthier-Villars publishing house. See Publish-
Gdan;sk, fear of cession to Poland, 60
Gehrcke, Ernst (1878–1960), and replication of
Harress’s experiment, 208
Geiger, Walburga, 43n, 422n
Geitel, Hans (1855–1923), 349
General covariance in five-dimensional theory,
General relativity. See Relativity, general theory
Geneva, intended headquarters of League of Na-
tions, 341
Geodesics, in five-dimensional theory, 39, 46, 56
Geodetic Institute: selection of director, 191;
fear of its militarization, AE on, 194,
Schweydar on, 191
Geodetic precession, relativistic: 16, 258n, 483;
detectability of, 258n; Lorentz’s calculation
on, 421–422
Geometry: Poincaré on, 52; Study on, 52
Gerlach, Hellmut von (1866–1935): xliv, 43n,
71, 343; asked to formulate petition for re-
lease of political prisoners, 343
German academics, AE deploring political atti-
tudes of, 449
German Army, ravages Louvain, 113
German book trade, difficult situation of, 424,
German Bunsen Society, 25th general assembly,
461n, 533
German Communist Party, March 1919 uprising,
German Foreign Office, visa for AE, 402n
German intellectuals: growing republican spirit
of, AE on, 326; isolated from intellectuals of
Allied countries, 273; learn humility from in-
tellectual blockade, xliii, 121, 163; past and
present, AE on, 264
German League for the League of Nations. See
Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund
German National Assembly, and Deutscher
Schutzbund für die Grenz- und Auslands-
deutschen, 350
German navy officers, employed by Japanese
navy, 237
German Physical Society. See Deutsche Phy-
sikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
German political outlook, AE on, 117. See also
German Society for Foreign Book Trade. See
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auslandsbuchhan-
German University of Prague: 86n; develop-
ments after World War I, 462n; Lampa fights
for, 461; rumors regarding its dissolution, 77
German war crimes, Bryce Report on, 43n. See
also Lille booklet; Private commission to in-
vestigate German war crimes
Germany: American relief work in, 253n; anti-
revolutionary forces, 16; anti-Semitism in,
352, AE on, 268, fight against, 490; as Anglo-
American colony, AE on, 281; army, threat
posed by, 513; as Cinderella among nations,
243; blockade of, 253n, 499n; Bolshevism in,
34n, AE on, 29; collapse of economy, 201,
forecasted, 260; control of book export, 605c;
corruption and poverty in, 306; currency ex-
port restrictions, 120, 138; devaluation of cur-
rency, xxxi, 90, 91n, 147, 201, 222, 226, 234,
240, 289, 293, 306, 456, 486; differences be-
tween Southern and Northern, AE on, 139;
foreign purchase of furniture and art, 281;
idea of revenge, AE on, 121, 135; image
abroad, AE on, 474–475; improving social
environment, AE on, 326; intellectual block-
ade of, 121, 273, AE on, xliii, 121, 163; Jews
ostracized from, 243; political climate in,
498, 513, AE on, 513; political stabilization
of, Muehlon on, 12n; scholarly literature, dif-
ficulties of obtaining, 45n, 485, 514, 533;
Quaker relief work in, 139n, 253n, 496n; so-
cial environment in, AE on, 329; strikes, 106,
201; suffering, 148n, 200n, 483, 496, 512
Gide, André, and Nouvelle revue française, 392n
Ginsberg, Shlomo (1889–1968), 255n
Gipfel, Wilhelm, 437
Gleichen Rußwurm, Heinrich von (1882–1959),
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