I N D E X 6 6 7
350, 357n
Glüer, 559c
Glum, Friedrich, 108n, 563c, 565c, 566c
Gnehm, Robert (1852–1926), 169, 190, 215n,
Gold Medal of Royal Astronomical Society, li,
408, 436, 588c, 605c
Goldschmidt, Robert (1877–1935), 114
Goldstein, Eugen (1850–1930), 20, 297n
Gorky, Maxim (1868–1936), 415
Göttingen, AE on, 440, 460
Grabowsky, Adolf (1880–1969), 33, 71
Graf, Johann H., 464n
Granquist, Gustaf (1866–1922), 217
Gravesande, Willem J. ’s, 502
Gravitational effect, of rotation of Earth and Sun,
Gravitational field: in constitution of matter, 28,
35–36, 65n, 85n, 87, 118, 155, 566c; discus-
sion between AE and Hilbert, 88–89
Gravitational fields, dynamic, AE on, 258
Greater Berlin Adult Education Program. See
Grebe, Leonhard (1883–1967): xxxix, 86, 296n,
324–325, 328n, 330–332, 335, 342, 347n,
353, 355, 385, 386, 401, 457, 470, 478–479,
482, 498, 598c; funding by Fleischer, 596c;
on gravitational redshift in Sun, 37–38, 86–
87; requests KWIP funds for spectroscopic
measurements of redshift, 38, granted, 560c,
561c, 564c; sends AE manuscript coauthored
with Bachem, 571c
Grommer, Jakob (1879–1933): 100, 361; AE
presents paper by, 582c; mathematical assis-
tance, funded by KWIP, 101, 560c
Groos, Karl Th. (1861–1946), 45n
Grossmann, Marcel (1878–1936): 448, 451n;
condolences on Pauline Einstein’s death,
484; on French edition of AE’s scientific pa-
pers, 411; on Schlick’s book, 483
Grossmann-Keller, Anna (1882–1967), 450n
Grühr, Heinz, 437
Grüneisen, Eduard (1877–1949), 77
Guillaume, Edouard (1881–1959): xl, 378, 380,
411, 430, 449; AE on, 536; discusses time di-
lation with AE, 379, 418–419, 430–432; on
absolute simultaneity, 432n; congratulates
AE, 378
Guillaume, Hélène (1883–1928), 419n, 432
Gumpertz, Ludwig (1855–1943), 64, 65n, 83
Günther, Ernst, requests KWIP funds for thermal
research of solid amorphous substances,
granted, 560c
Günther, Johannes von (1886–1973), 392n
Gutmann, Ida, on heritability of dialects, 505–
Guye, Charles-Eugène (1866–1942): 341, 354,
405, 452; invites AE to lecture at University
of Geneva, 372; on motion of electrons, 354
Gyromagnetic effect, measurement of, 7
Haas, Arthur, 550c
Haas, Hendrik A. de (1919–?), 55, 121
Haas, Marc de (1866–1951), 54
Haas, Wander de (1878–1960): 7n, 16, 54, 57,
145, 150, 155, 233; on moving expenses, 166
Haase, Hugo (1863–1919), 71
Haas-Lorentz, Gertruida de (1885–1973), 145
Haber, Charlotte, 124n, 126n
Haber, Fritz (1868–1934): 122, 124–125, 127,
155n, 297n, 309, 310n, 317, 350n, 360n, 386,
511, 590c, 593c; about to go to Switzerland,
122; character of, AE on, 280; fear of extradi-
tion as war criminal, 123n; friendship with
AE, 126; Nobel prize to, 308n; nominates
Sommerfeld and Debye to PAW, 410; on
compressibility of monovalent metals, 85; on
keeping AE in Germany, 109, 125, Debye in
Germany, 269n; requests AE’s review of
Wildhagen’s dissertation, 122–123; on salary
raise for AE, 125–126, 196n; on Switzerland,
125; successor to Fischer at University of
Berlin, 487
Haber–Born cycle, total energy change, 281n
Haberlandt, Ludwig, 488n
Habicht, Conrad (1876–1958), 128, 130–131,
450n, 574c
Hadamard, Jacques, 614c
Haeckel, Ernst (1834–1919): 348n; “material-
ism” of, 358; at beginning of WWI, 348
Haenisch, Konrad (1876–1925): xliv, xlvii,
196n, 360n, 433, 478, 515n, 524n, 604c; an-
nulls Nicolai’s expulsion from University of
Berlin, 474–475; approves special courses for
foreign students at University of Berlin, 466;
attacked by right wing, 477; congratulates
AE for positive light deflection, 477; invites
AE to visit, 477